Meeting on a narrow road, if Tian Yu retreats in despair, it will definitely damage morale.

"Brothers, it's time to eat now, but the Xianbei people rely on their strength and don't want us to eat. What do you think we should do?"

"Fuck them!"

"Fight to the death!"

"Okay!" Tian Yu shouted loudly, since the morale was available, why did he run away?

"Order the Fire Head Army to light a fire and cook!"

As soon as this order came out, it caused a shock in an instant.

However, Tian Yu was extremely firm.

"Make a good meal, and I will return triumphant!"

When Que Ji led his army closer, he saw the tranquility in the Han camp, with smoke rising from several cookers, and the soldiers were busy lighting fires for cooking. Que Ji even smelled the smell of barbecue from afar.

“What a wonderful dinner.”

It turned out that it was not Su Li who commanded the army, but Que Ji who was the vanguard.

"Master Que Ji, the Han Chinese scouts have discovered us a long time ago, and they are not prepared at this moment. There must be fraud in it."

"When I wait for Xianbei, will I be afraid of the weak Han people? Stop joking." Que Ji said angrily.

The subordinates dare not speak.

"Wolf cubs, it's better to come early than coincidentally. It seems that the Han people are very sensible and have prepared meals for us. If we don't go, it would be too disrespectful to them!" Que Ji laughed.

"Rush up and kill them!"

The Xianbei laughed loudly and rushed towards the Han camp!

The trembling sound of horseshoes "woke up" the Han camp, and they looked up one after another.

When they saw that this army was not their own, they panicked and the camp was in chaos.

Seeing this scene, Que Ji was even more pleasantly surprised. The great achievement was right in front of him, so there was no reason not to take it.

Wielding a big knife, he split the railing in front of him, and the Xianbei army filed in.


Suddenly, the sound of horseshoes came from the sky, and Tian Yu led an army to attack the Xianbei flank.

The "head" of the Xianbei army entered the camp, but the body was still outside. Not only that, they slowed down their horses.

When cavalry charge, they pay attention to momentum, but they can't crash into the camp, and slowing down is inevitable.

This is Tian Yu's strategy, simple and effective.

One side charges with all its strength, and the other side is defenseless, and the result can be imagined.

"Kill! Kill them all, credit will be counted by head!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Master Que Ji, let's go, there is an ambush among us, the big man's army is coming in menacingly, if we don't leave now, we will have no chance of escaping."

Just as the guard finished speaking, he was hacked to death by Que Ji.

"Mere Han people are not afraid of a fight, not to mention our superior military strength? Disturb the morale of the army, damn it!"

It's the right time for Que Ji to kill people and stand up.Now no one in the Xianbei army said to run away, they were all full of fighting spirit.

"That's right, Master Que Ji is right. The Han people are just chickens and dogs. Don't be afraid, the more you are afraid of the Han people, the more arrogant you will be."

So what if the formation is at a disadvantage?

As long as the morale is high, the battle will be won.

Que Ji laughed wildly and beheaded a few more people.

On the other side, relying on the sudden attack of the Youzhou Army, they gained a certain advantage.However, as the Xianbei people fought more and more courageously, they gradually became unable to do what they wanted.

Xianbei people seem to have endless power!

"Everyone, take down the Queji, the lord will show our merits, and future generations will remember our contributions."

As soon as the words fell, Tian Yu took the lead and launched a charge.

The others saw that the coach Tian Yu was not afraid of death, so they also rushed forward.

Tian Yu opened and closed, brave and invincible, formed a sharp knife with his personal guards, and broke into the enemy's formation.

While killing, Que Ji saw a troop covered in blood in a hurry, rushed towards him, and shouted hastily:

"Stop them quickly, don't show mercy, hurry up!"

The cavalry of the two sides collided together, and they were turned on their backs for a while.

"Get out of here!"

Tian Yu killed all the Xianbei people around him. He seemed to be a person with infinite potential. The more enemies there were, the greater his power would be.

"Kill him!" Que Ji yelled, and he charged forward with a knife.

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