Tian Yu finally felt tired after beheading twenty-one people in a row. He is not a peerless fighter like Ma Chao, so this is his limit.

"Haha, this person is exhausted." Que Ji laughed loudly, and the mount under him didn't stop for a moment.

However, the reason why Tian Yu is famous in Youzhou is not because of his force, but because of his flexible mind against aliens.

At this moment, Tian Yu led the army to turn around, looking like they were running away.

"Chasing, don't let them run away!" Que Ji was suddenly very nervous, and the great credit was right in front of him.

When the two armies separated, in order to pursue Tian Yu, the Xianbei team became more dense.

All of a sudden, five thousand heavy cavalry burst out, like a sudden flash flood, which made people feel terrified.

As the saying goes, before people arrive, the sound arrives first, and under the powerful momentum, the Xianbei war horse trembled, as if it felt a huge threat.

"What the hell?" Que Ji was stunned for a moment, but soon remembered that it was probably what the Wuhuan people said, that the Han people heavy cavalry.

When Liu Ke provided the equipment, Liu Yu formed a heavy cavalry force of tens of thousands, and only then was he able to gain a firm foothold in Youzhou.

It was at this time that the prestige of the heavy cavalry began to spread among Wuhuan, and it was spread that it was miraculous.

Later, with the complete defeat of the Wuhuan people, the Xianbei people took it for granted that the so-called heavy cavalry must have been exaggerated by Wuhuan.

Where in the world are there more powerful cavalry than the Xianbei?

Even the Xiongnu, the original overlord of the grassland, was trampled underfoot by the Xianbei cavalry.

"The enemy only has a few thousand people, what can a few thousand people do? It's just a bluff." Que Ji saw through the formation of the Youzhou Army, and directly ordered his subordinates to ram them head-on.

"Kill! Xianbei warriors, follow me to kill the enemy!"

Facing such powerful heavy cavalry, and they were charging heavy cavalry, what Que Ji thought was not to retreat to guerrilla warfare, but to attack actively.

For this alone, it must be said that this person's forehead was pinched.

But this is also the bravery of the Xianbei people, and they will not back down easily.

Tian Yu smiled slightly when he saw this scene, and his goal was achieved.

In order to form this [-]-man heavy cavalry, Tian Yu wrote to Liu Ke many times, which can be described as painstaking.

Because the general defenders do not have cavalry units, let alone heavy cavalry, this is the privilege of the main battle corps.

It is by no means an easy task to support a cavalry unit, and the local financial pressure will be great.

It's just that Tian Yu asked Liu Ke for money and equipment on the grounds that "Youzhou is a border, and it cannot be defended without cavalry."

Knowing the seriousness, Liu Ke agreed to Tian Yu's request.

As the saying goes, raising soldiers for a thousand days and using them for a while.

The heavy cavalry is here!

The reason why he didn't charge immediately was because Tian Yu had his own considerations.

Because he didn't know enough about the Xianbei people.

What if the Xianbei fled as soon as the heavy cavalry came out, and they resorted to Youdou?

I'm afraid Tian Yu's arrangement will fall short, and the war will fail.

So Tian Yu asked the light cavalry to go first. It would be great if he could break through the enemy in one fell swoop. If not, it would also create an illusion for the Xianbei that the Han people were weak.

As soon as the Xianbei people raised their morale, Tian Yu decisively carried out the next plan.

Xianbei people are cuter than imagined.

"Shoot the arrow!" Que Ji shouted loudly. Before the two sides collided, Que Ji planned to surprise the Han people.

Under normal circumstances, if you charge to a distance of two hundred steps, you will not be able to respond to the subsequent collision between the two armies.

But for the Xianbei people, this is not a problem at all.

I saw arrows raining down in the sky, and the Xianbei people methodically retracted their bows, and then charged with their weapons.

The whole process went smoothly.

"Haha, damn Han people, they are so brainless." Que Ji was overjoyed, seeing the heavy cavalry charging regardless.

This wave of arrow rain might wipe out their entire army!

Annihilation of the whole army is too exaggerated, how can it lose more than half of it?

Que Ji thought happily.

The arrow suddenly fell from the air, making a thumping sound.

Most of the arrows hit the target, but unfortunately it was useless, and only dozens of people suffered some minor injuries.

The momentum of the heavy cavalry remained undiminished.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Que Ji's eyes went blind.

In the end what happened?

In the next scene, Que Ji was taught a lesson abruptly.

It was a one-sided massacre!

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