The heavy cavalry opened the way with spears in their hands, the Xianbei people kept falling off their horses, and countless wailing resounded through the field.

Especially the roar of the war horse is even more heartbreaking.

"How could this be? Is this the heavy cavalry of the Han people?"

Que Ji didn't have time to sigh with emotion, because the heavy cavalry had already rushed to his face, so he raised his big knife and slashed at it.


With a clear sound, the heavy cavalry rushed over, passed by Que Ji, and crazily killed five or six Xianbei cavalry.

Que Ji slashed and slashed again... and found that he couldn't do anything about these iron bumps. After working hard for a long time, he just knocked the three of them off the horse.

He thinks that his force is not weak, and he is also the best among Xianbei, but even he can't deal with these cavalry, let alone ordinary soldiers?

Xianbei suffered heavy losses.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


A messenger strode in, clasped his fists at Liu Ke, and turned a blind eye to Cao Cao, Liu Bei, and Sun Ce in the hall.

"My lord, the Xianbei army besieged Ji County, and Lu Xun, the governor of Youzhou, captured the camp overnight and got [-] horses. He attacked the camp again the next day, and with the help of General Ma Chao, killed [-] horses."

After hearing this battle report, Liu Bei felt a little unbelievable.

Are Xianbei people so easy to deal with?

The first time the camp was attacked, it could be said that they were unprepared, but the second time they were attacked... Maybe the Xianbei people are all pig heads.

The messenger's report is not over.

"The governor, Tian Yu, encountered Lord Queji of Xianbei in Youbeiping County, and severely wounded him with heavy cavalry."

Two consecutive victories!

Liu Bei couldn't help being jealous. According to the speed of killing the enemy, there was no need for their coalition forces to do anything.

Just sit and watch the show!

Sooner or later, the Marquis of Dongyang will clean up the army of millions of Xianbei.

This further confirms the previous speculation that the reason why Dongyang Hou gathered the princes from all walks of life was not for the feelings of the coalition forces, let alone to deal with Xianbei.

The real purpose is to prevent the three of them from uniting to attack Yangzhou and Jiaozhou.

"Hou Yingming of Dongyang is nothing more than a martial artist. I didn't expect his subordinates to be so powerful. Lu Xun and Tian Yu are just unknown juniors. After this battle, they will become famous all over the world." Liu Bei congratulated.

In terms of winning, Liu Bei and Liu Ke have the same interests. Liu Bei even wished that he would not have to fight, and Liu Ke would solve the Xianbei people.

In this way, Liu Bei can declare to the outside world that he will cooperate with Dongyang Hou to fight and defeat Xianbei's army of millions.

Isn't the King of Hanzhong worthy of his name?

For a long time, Liu Bei's "King of Hanzhong" has been criticized by others, because the name is not justified, and it is not recognized by the court.

Even if it is approved by the court, it is not satisfactory, after all, this is the court controlled by Cao Cao.

But with the credit for expelling aliens, it is completely different.

People all over the world will remember Liu Bei's merits!

This is also the reason why Liu Bei chose to send troops. Otherwise, would he travel thousands of miles from Yizhou to Yecheng to play?

You must know that Yizhou is still unstable now, and Liu Bei's personal conquest took a great risk.

Wouldn't it be great to be able to easily get the credit for it now.

Liu Ke was not as heartless as Liu Bei, because Tian Yu's battle was a real head-to-head.

The Youzhou cavalry also suffered heavy losses. If the heavy cavalry hadn't turned the tide, the battle would have been unknown.

"Marquis Dongyang, we made an agreement at the beginning, the head of the defenders is not counted as killing the enemy, right?" Cao Cao put forward his own opinion.

If the defenders are added, Liu Ke's military strength will exceed [-], completely crushing Cao Cao's [-] troops.

Now that the coalition forces have not rushed to the battlefield, the defenders of Youzhou have killed [-] enemies...

It's also horrible.

If Cao Cao is allowed to command in person, he may not be able to do so well.

Liu Ke glanced at Cao Cao, who felt guilty.

Among those present, the one who most wanted to destroy Liu Ke's title as king was Cao Cao.

Liu Bei himself wants to be named King of Hanzhong, so he will not oppose Liu Ke.

Sun Ce has an indifferent attitude, the most important thing is strength, not name.

A Marquis of Dongyang Hou also terrified King Wei.

Liu Ke's merits are enough to be crowned king. The reason why Cao Cao wanted to oppose it was because Liu Ke's form of crowning the king made him vigilant.

Be crowned king with the credit of defeating millions of alien races!

This is taller than Cao Cao's King Wei.

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