Cao Cao's position as king of Wei did not come rightly, but forced Emperor Xian to submit.

There were some faint voices of opposition from the imperial court, among which Xun Yu was the most violent.

This is Cao Cao's heart disease.

And Liu Ke's way of conferring the king appears to be upright, with real credit.

The people of the world will only agree, and even wish Liu Ke could directly proclaim himself emperor.

Based on Cao Cao's understanding of Xun Yu, if he had defeated millions of alien races and brought up the matter of becoming king, Xun Yu would probably not object so much.

The opportunity for Cao Cao to become king was to capture Xiliang... Xiliang has been the territory of the Han Dynasty since ancient times. What kind of credit is this?

For various reasons, Cao Cao and Xun Yu were at odds.

Therefore, as long as there is a chance, Cao Cao will destroy Liu Kefeng.

Facing Cao Cao's doubts, Liu Ke said generously: "It doesn't count the number of enemies killed, but if you really care about Meng De, you might as well call in elite soldiers and rely on your [-] old, weak, sick and disabled to stop me ,impossible."

Dongyang Hou is as direct as ever!

In the past, Cao Cao would have blushed with shame, but after experiencing so much wind and rain, what are these hurtful words?

"Dongyang Hou, don't be too happy."

Cao Cao snorted coldly.

Liu Ke smiled and didn't speak.

Sun Ce was a little strange, why did the Marquis of Dongyang care so much about Feng Wang?

"Okay, let's not mention these things. Now that the army of Emperor Meng Dexian and Wu Chenghou has arrived in Yecheng, how many days will it take for the army of Yizhou?" Liu Ke asked.

As soon as this issue was mentioned, Liu Bei felt a little ashamed, because he didn't know.

After arriving in Yecheng, Liu Bei didn't care, so he looked at Fazheng.

Fazheng is also a little speechless, you don't care about your own army, but you care about Dongyang Hou winning the battle?

"About three days."

Liu Kelue pondered for a while, and with Ma Chao's help, Lu Xun could persist for a few more days.

It's just that putting the people of Youzhou in danger for what he calls "making the king fairly" is beyond Liu Ke's bottom line.

After the meeting of princes was over, Liu Ke ordered:

"Zilong commanded an army to support Ji County, and Ziyi commanded an army to support You Beiping."

"Obey!" Zhao Yun and Tai Shici said in unison.

It's just that Liu Ke's reputation is not very good.

This alliance is also a competition.The princes are all contestants, and Liu Ke is undoubtedly the seed player.

However, it was such a seeded player who even wanted to make a run for the money.

The princes must be dissatisfied.

Even if killing the enemy during this period is not considered an achievement, isn't it an advantage to be familiar with the Xianbei's combat methods and familiar with the Xianbei's generals?

The transfer of soldiers and horses in Yangzhou really aroused Cao Cao's vigilance, and he came to inquire in person, Liu Ke told the truth.

"Dongyanghou, you are not kind!"

Cao Cao grabbed Liu Ke's braid, intending to gain some benefits.

It's a pity that all of this was destroyed by the fool Liu Bei.

"To solve this problem, it's very simple. You go first and I arrive later. As for the number of enemies killed, do I seem to care about it?"

Cao Cao has the heart to kill people!

As long as Liu Bei wins, he will be the king of Hanzhong. Of course he doesn't care about the sequence, let alone the number of enemies killed.

Only he can say such a thing.

Unexpectedly, as soon as this remark was made, Sun Ce responded positively.

"Get rid of the Xianbei people earlier, so I can return to Jingzhou earlier."

Everyone agrees, what else can Cao Cao do.

Who is Liu Bei's teammate?To be able to say such a thing.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Que Ji's failure did not cause a sensation in Xianbei, it was just a "small failure".

Su-ri puts things down.

"Thank you Lord Su Li!" Que Ji said excitedly.

After seeing the power of the heavy cavalry, Que Ji is still a little scared.

The shadow of failure hangs over him all the time.

Fortunately, he followed a good brother who covered up the matter for him.

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