"My lord, I will lose at the end of this battle, please punish me."

"Hmph, you know I won't punish you severely, right? That's why you have nothing to worry about. There is an old saying in the Han people that the emperor breaks the law and commits the same crime as the common people. Now that you have lost the battle and killed tens of thousands of Xianbei warriors, what should I do with you?" ?” Kebi Neng snorted coldly.

Kebi can have his current status because he does practical things "fairly" and convinces his subordinates.It is true that Yu Zhulian is his son-in-law, but if he does not deal with it, how can he convince the public?

As a pioneer, Yu Zhulian's failure can be described as a complete mess.

As a cavalryman, his horse was stolen by night raids, isn't it ridiculous?

"It's too cheap to execute you directly. Attacking Jixian needs some dead soldiers. I think you are very suitable to be their leader." Ke Bineng directly made the judgment.

Yu Zhulian's face turned pale with fright, the Xianbei people were not good at attacking cities, and if they wanted to take down Ji County, they could only use their lives.

But now his good father-in-law actually asked him to be a dead soldier... Yu Zhulian couldn't accept it.

It's easy to figure it out. It's because no one is willing to ask his subordinates to die in vain, whether it's a good person or a Xianbei person.

Ke Bineng was worried about this, but his son-in-law made a mistake.He has donated his son-in-law, why don't you hurry up and sign up to participate in the siege?

Even some disaffected people will obey Ke Bineng.

Yu Zhulian was indeed defeated, and it would be useless to let him go to attack the city to make up for his mistakes.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The next day, Ke Bineng's army surrounded Ji County, with a total of [-] horses.

The rest of the troops are Commander Xie Guini and Nengchen Di, who will go to other places to fight the autumn wind.

"Xianbei is coming in a menacing way, it's hard to deal with, it's better to hang up the free card and frustrate their spirit first." The judge suggested.

Ma Chao disagreed, he finally had the opportunity to make contributions, and he would not be satisfied with defeating Yu Zhulian.

"It is only when their arrogance is extinguished that they will be completely convinced."

Such is the case with the Qiang people.

The reason why Ma Chao was loved by the Qiang people was not only because he had Qiang blood, but more importantly, his martial arts were outstanding, and he defeated all those who refused to accept.

The Qiang people were defeated by Ma Chao, and they followed him wholeheartedly without complaint.

The same is true for Xianbei people.

"There are [-] Xianbei troops under the city. Our army must not go out of the city without permission. We will invite General Ma Chao to fight when the enemy comes tomorrow." Lu Xun said in such a reasonable arrangement.

Ke Bineng has [-] troops under his command, so he can't bring hundreds of thousands of troops to the city every day.

After finishing these messy queues, it will take at least a whole morning!

This happens every day, and no soldier or general can stand it.

Therefore, fighting is the best choice.

The two sides first agree on a time and place, and fight a fight with few people.

Through this sentence, it can be seen that Lu Xun has not grown up well and knows how to reconcile the contradictions among his subordinates.

The judge said not to play, but Ma Chao insisted on playing.

If this situation is not handled properly, it will lead to discord among his subordinates. Lu Xun miraculously resolved this.

Without time and experience, it is impossible to handle things so smoothly.

The next day, Ke Bineng sent Yu Zhulian to fight as expected.

In order to show his loyalty and make up for his mistakes, Yu Zhulian got up early in the morning, led five thousand troops and set off, and came to the city to call for battle.

"Listen, Han people in the city, if you don't come out to fight, I will send people to the nearby villages, kill every one you see, and set fire to them if you don't see anyone. Who told you you bastards..."

Before Yu Zhulian could finish his mocking words, the gate of Ji County was opened, and a troop of cavalry came out.

The leading general was none other than Ma Chao.

"One-on-one or gang fight?"

Facing such a domineering question, Yu Zhulian swallowed his saliva.

Why is Ma Chao such an idiot?

Only fools will challenge you one-on-one!

Suddenly, Yu Zhulian's eyes lit up.

"Xianbei warrior, charge with me and kill him!"

Then a scuffle broke out suddenly.

Yu Zhulian's idea is very simple, that is, to entangle Ma Chao, let Kebi Neng send reinforcements, and then take down Jixian in one go.

The idea is beautiful.

Seeing that Yu Zhulian started to fight when he disagreed with each other, Ma Chao seemed to have expected it a long time ago, so he raised his spear and went at it without any haste.

One shot at a child, went straight to Yu Zhulian.

"Damn! This bastard, just grab me, fuck!"

Yu Zhulian cursed loudly, he wanted to show his heroic side at first.

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