Now it's still showing a hair.

Yu Zhulian yelled to kill the enemy while galloping towards the crowd, only in the Xianbei army.He has a sense of security.

Ma Chao fought for a while, and the Xianbei's defense soon collapsed.

Cavalry hedges are generally known for their swiftness.

But Ma Chao's subordinates didn't panic at all, and controlled their speed in order to kill more Xianbei people.

The Xianbei people kept falling, and the living people screamed.

Suddenly, another soldier and horse appeared in the field of vision, which was Ke Bineng's reinforcements.

Without further ado, Ma Chao patted his horse and left, and at the same time called Jin to withdraw his troops.

When Yu Zhulian saw this, he was overjoyed. As long as the Han people opened the city gate and let this group of cavalry enter, they would be able to take advantage of the trend and seize the city gate.

Where is siege still used?

This is the opportunity God gave Yu Zhulian!

Ma Chao sneered, of course he didn't know what Yu Zhulian was thinking, but everything was calculated.

He commanded the army, and when he arrived at the gate of the city, he suddenly turned around and ran along the city wall.

Like a torrent!

When Hong Liu left, Yu Zhulian looked at the closed city gate, dumbfounded.

"Fuck, what the hell are these Han people doing, they didn't even open the city gate!"

Yu Zhulian gritted his teeth, since the Han people don't cherish the troops that go to battle so much, then he is going to eat them?

While chasing, he thought about the distance of the reinforcements for about a quarter of an hour.

For this kind of calculation on horseback, Yu Zhulian does not need to learn any so-called arithmetic, and he can draw conclusions with experience.

So, it's time to chase!

Yu Zhulian chased after him, and suddenly found himself getting closer and closer to the city wall.

Suddenly there was a sound of breaking through the air.

Yu Zhulian looked up, what the hell, it's raining arrows all over the sky!

There are also thick arrows like long spears mixed in.

If this is pierced, can he still survive?

Yu Zhulian shuddered, gripped the horse's belly, and galloped with all his strength, the horse's buttocks were swollen from his slap.

There were countless screams behind him.


Yu Zhulian was still in shock, another wave of arrows rained ahead, this time he hit head-on.

He hastily turned his horse's head away from the city wall. In order to avoid Yu Zhulian, the guards behind kept shouting "Yu Yu", and the horse's hooves were raised high, almost trampling Yu Zhulian to death.

Yu Zhulian was lucky enough to escape, but the guards behind him were miserable. Their own people hit their own people, their own people trampled their own people, and some fell off their horses with arrows, screaming and hell on earth.

Still chasing?

Chasing a fart!

Yu Zhulian cursed and took the team away.

Back in the camp, seeing Ke Bi Neng's gloomy face, Yu Zhulian wished he could fight Ma Chao for another [-] rounds.

Originally thought he would be blamed, but he didn't expect Ke Bineng to be calm.

"Good job, at least the Han people played."

Hearing these words, Yu Zhulian was elated, and sure enough, his father-in-law still had him as a son-in-law in his heart.

Some privileges are not surprising for related households.

"Do you know where you lost?"

Ke Bi Neng asked suddenly.

Yu Zhulian hesitated for a while, and said, "My lord, this subordinate is not fully prepared."

"As long as you know, remember to lead the army to attack the city tomorrow." Ke Bineng said.

Yu Zhulian suddenly wanted to cry but had no tears.

Why do you want to attack the city?

"Yes, my lord, the subordinates must do their best."

Ji County.

"General Ma Chao is really brave." Lu Xun praised.

"If Lord Inspector hadn't arranged archers, I'm afraid I would be in danger." Ma Chao complimented.

The two looked at each other and smiled, and the relationship gradually improved.

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