"We can't take it lightly, I'm afraid Ke Bineng will attack the city tomorrow." Lu Xun said.

"Xianbei people are not good at siege, as long as they dare to come, we will teach them a lesson," Ma Chao said.

Having said that, the Xianbei people still came.

The siege began.

Yu Zhulian kept expelling his subordinates to fight desperately. With only simple ladders, it was very difficult for them to attack the city.

But Xianbei's supervising team is not a vegetarian. Going forward is the coexistence of death and glory, and retreating is 100% dead.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The offensive of the Xianbei people continued like this for three consecutive days.

The garrison of Ji County was miserable.

"Ke Bineng is probably trying to use this battle to eradicate dissidents." Lu Xun came to a conclusion.

Ke Bi Neng is so powerful that he is known as an army of one million.

It's all true.

It's just that he has a flaw. The Xianbei coalition forces are divided into two factions, one is led by Ke Bineng, and the other is led by Su Li.

It is said that it is a group, of course, because Ke Bineng's power is also divided into headquarters and subordinate forces.

The combined forces of Nengchendi and Xieguini are more than Kebi Neng's headquarters.

Doesn't he panic?

So he sent away Nengchendi and Xieguini, and seized power step by step.

As for those disobedient loyalists, let them attack the city and die.

Ke Bi Neng is using the power of Ji County to eliminate dissidents, and he doesn't care about the life and death of his subordinates at all.

In order to stabilize this group of people, his son-in-law Yu Zhulian also became a victim.

"Anyway, those who died are Xianbei people, and have nothing to do with us." Ma Chao said.

This sentence sounds right, but Lu Xun needs to consider more issues. When Kebi can really control the troops and their combat effectiveness soars, they will be unlucky.

woo woo

As the horn sounded, Yu Zhulian once again commanded the Death Squad to fight bravely.

"Master Ke Bineng said to let his son-in-law lead us to charge, but he has been driving behind, and he never climbed the city wall once."

"Hush, silence..."

Yu Zhulian turned his gaze to the place where the whispers were whispered, and there were so many people there that he couldn't find anyone who spoke.

Even if he found out, Yu Zhulian felt that there was nothing he could do.

They all charged heroically, and the death rate is so high, do you still care about a little punishment?

If Yu Zhulian disregarded the seriousness and dealt with the tongue-twisters, causing dissatisfaction among the soldiers, this would be the greatest disaster.

He could only pretend he didn't hear it, but Yu Zhulian felt aggrieved!

These damned grandsons actually look down on him!

Yu Zhulian secretly made up his mind that more people must climb the city wall.

In the past three days, the arrows in the city were seriously consumed, and Yu Zhulian's attack on the city became more and more smooth.

Today, full of confidence!


With an order, the charge horn sounded again.

Like the tide, the Xianbei people charged forward with wooden shields, fearless of death.

These wooden shields are made temporarily, basically using a piece of wood, and some are simpler, directly demolishing the gatehouses of some village residents.

Yu Zhulian was also forced to do nothing, because the arrows in the city were so ferocious that a third of the arrows were lost before they reached the city wall.

Wooden shields cannot defend against ballistas, but it is still possible to block crossbow arrows.

After a while, the ground was filled with arrows and corpses.

"Come on! Those who are afraid of fighting will be killed without mercy!"

Yu Zhulian shouted from outside the range of the ballista.

One of the members of the Death Squad spat at Yu Zhulian when he was passing by.

"Hey, who is timid? Who is timid?"

Yu Zhulian almost exploded with anger!

Nima's, it was just a discussion at first, but now it's directly ridiculed in person!

If it weren't for this little soldier who never returned, Yu Zhulian really wanted to chop him up with a knife.

"I hope you can come back alive."

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