Yu Zhulian gritted his teeth and threatened.

The Wuhuan soldier left without looking back, his disdain was imprinted in Yu Zhulian's mind, and he couldn't get rid of it.

This battle, as before, suffered heavy losses, but it caused great trouble to the defenders.

It was getting late, Yu Zhulian ordered Ming Jin to withdraw his troops.

"Did a soldier spit on you?"

Ke Bineng mentioned something intentionally or unintentionally, but Yu Zhulian was startled.

It's scary that adults are watching the front line all the time!

Yu Zhulian answered the matter truthfully.

"You handled it well, you are worthy of being my son-in-law." Ke Bi Neng said calmly.

However, this sentence caused great waves in Yu Zhulian's heart. To be provoked and not fight back, in the concept of Xianbei people, this is a shame.

Even if it is a dying person, Yu Zhulian should not be merciful.

Yu Zhulian made an expression of "I understand", and then left with a sullen face.

The next day, Yu Zhulian was fully armed and came to the city to command the battle.

Don't you say that I am timid and afraid of getting into trouble?

Now I am standing under the city, facing the crossbow arrows, the threat of the crossbow!

Yu Zhulian looked resolute.

"My lord, there is no need for you to do this." Qin Wei persuaded.

"Hmph, how could I be a coward? It's just that the outer areas are easier to command. What do some of their soldiers know? Now I'm going to tell them that I'm never afraid of danger." Yu Zhulian said forcefully.

However, because of his actions, it still played a certain role.

The Xianbei who attacked the city today are thieves.

"Kill! We must capture this city today!"

"Wealth, women, credit, all belong to me!"

The Xianbei attacked the city wall again and again, and Ma Chao beat them back again and again.

The long spear swept across and fell a large piece.But another batch rushed up, as if it was endless.

"General Ma Chao, Lord Inspector has an order to change defense." The messenger said.

Ma Chao's team stood on the city wall for three hours, exhausted.

It's time to switch.

It's a pity that the Xianbei people didn't give such a chance at all!

"The Xianbei people didn't fight back, how to change defense? Once they retreat, the enemy will occupy the city wall, and the consequences will be disastrous." Ma Chao said.

His mouth was parched from the long battle.The hand holding the spear trembled a little.

After another hour, the Xianbei people finally retreated, and Ma Chao collapsed directly in a pool of blood, not injured, but tired!

Right Beiping County.

After Tian Yu defeated Que Ji, he led the cavalry all the way around.

Suli has hundreds of thousands of troops, and with this amount of cavalry, it cannot be shaken at all.

"General, there are too many enemies, we can't support every place."

Faced with such a situation, Tian Yu could only let out a long sigh.

"How about the evacuation of the people?"

"The people were all evacuated to the deep mountains, and those who were close to the city moved into the city."

"Very well, wherever the enemy attacks, we will support there."

This idea is good, but the shortage of troops is the biggest problem.

Tian Yu was completely troubled by this.

[-] Xianbei attacked this county, and [-] attacked that county...

Even if he knows the avatar technique, Tian Yu can't support every place.He also tried to concentrate his strength to defeat them one by one, but unfortunately he was bitten to death by Que Ji's army.

If he fought for a long time, he would definitely be flanked by front and back, so Tian Yu gave up.

He gave up the field battle and defended the city instead.

When a county was attacked by [-] Xianbei, Tian Yu sent [-] people to support it, and cooperated with the county defenders, government servants, and strong men in the city to defend the city.

This approach played a great role in the beginning, because with reinforcements, the county guards were more confident.However, as Su Li blossomed in many directions, Tian Yu couldn't stand it anymore.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"My lord, I have some good news for you."

Yu Zhulian said excitedly to Ke Bineng.

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