"What good news?"

"We found a place where the Han people were hiding. There are thousands of people, and they have all been arrested."

Ke Bi Neng sneered, somewhat disapproving.

"What kind of good news is this?"

Kebi can play a big game of chess, and a thousand people can't control his thoughts.

His subordinates alone have [-] yuan. Although they have lost a little more now, all the ones left are the elite.

More than a thousand troops were lost in the siege every day!

"My lord, you don't know. The Han government attaches great importance to these people. As long as they are driven out to attack the city, the Han army will be able to restrain themselves."

Ke Bi Neng admired Han culture, but he didn't have much affection for Han people, so he nodded and agreed to Yu Zhulian's plan, since there was nothing to lose anyway.

Yu Zhulian was overjoyed, and this is the moment to make a contribution!

woo woo

The Xianbei attacked the city again.

It's just that this time is different from the previous ones. Rows of common people rushed in front of the Xianbei people.

Lu Xun could tell at a glance, because there were men, women and children, it was impossible for Xianbei people to bring women into battle.

"Damn, I didn't expect them to be so despicable."

Lu Xun couldn't help clenching his fists. It was the first time he encountered such a situation, and it was difficult to make a decision for a while.

Shoot arrows?

Lu Xun's reputation will be tainted if he is accused of massacring common people.Moreover, Lu Xun also has a kind heart, and he can't bear it.

These people are the people of the big man!

It's all life!

However, if the enemy is allowed to climb the city wall without shooting arrows, what will the people in the city do?

"Lord Inspector, there is a shortage of arrows in the city today, so you might as well save yourself some money today," Ma Chao suggested.

Lu Xun glanced at Ma Chao gratefully, and soon made a decision:

"No, compared to the thousands of people outside the city, the tens of thousands of people inside the city are more important."

"Today we must defend to the death. If the city wall is lost, please behead me!" Ma Chao insisted, willing to issue a military order.

Lu Xun was moved by Ma Chao's attitude.

"Okay, I can't let down the general's self-confidence!"

The people were driven to run, and some who were tripped were directly beheaded by the cruel Xianbei people.

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

"Quick, open the city gate and save us!"

People are selfish, in order to survive, they even say the request to open the city gate.

Of course, there were also some staunch ordinary people who were killed by the swords of the Xianbei people.

The Xianbei people grinned and continued to expel them. At first they held wooden shields and looked straight at the city wall.

The arrow rain did not fall for a long time.

"Haha, Master Yu Zhulian has a clever plan, the Han people really didn't shoot the arrow!"

"Come on, kill all these Han people!"

Therefore, they simply abandoned the wooden shields that were in the way, directly raised their weapons and charged, and attacked the city unimpeded.

If Lu Xun ordered to release arrows at this time, he would definitely be able to achieve huge results.But he promised Ma Chao, and he will definitely do it, which is also trust.

"Alas." The trial match sighed, he remained silent unexpectedly, and suddenly spoke at this moment.

"Lord Inspector shouldn't be merciful. If you don't shoot arrows today, you won't be able to shoot arrows in the future."

After the Xianbei people have mastered this method, they will definitely not reason with you!

They will only arrest more civilians and threaten the defenders.

How can you achieve great things with such restraint?

This is the reason why the so-called kindness does not control soldiers.

If the people are shot today, the Xianbei people will not use them again next time, because it is useless!

The emotion of the trial match is because it hits the nail on the head and sees the future.

"No wonder the lord wants to kill the Xianbei and cut off their heads for Jingguan." Lu Xun said.

At the same time, Lu Xun also believes that Liu Ke will definitely find a way to get the best of both worlds.

If Liu Ke were here, he would definitely tell Lu Xun that the easiest way is to kill Xianbei completely.

Isn't the problem solved?

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