Some backward Xianbei teams were eaten up by Zhao Yun without leaving any bones.

"Fuck! I don't want to ambush them, and they're so scared." Ke Bineng was furious.

Originally, the ambush plan was thought out, but it was almost impossible to implement it.

But Ke Bi Neng worried that the follow-up reinforcements of the Han army would be very fast, and once they were delayed, the consequences would be disastrous.

It's better to use the mobility of cavalry to fight!

Why go head-to-head?

The previous siege was nothing more than a disturbance, but Ke Bi Neng's ability to grasp the situation of the battle is still very strong.

In the beginning, only a few small groups were arrested, but now more and more.

Xianbei's team is very bloated, with an army of [-], it is not easy to command at all.

Zhao Yun just took advantage of the opportunity to steal a team here and another one there.

When the battle damage statistics came out, Ke Bineng's face turned black!

In just one day, five thousand people are gone?

It is true that he has an army of [-], but if he loses [-] people every day, Kebi can't bear it.

Totally overwhelmed!

The loss of a day of siege is not so great.

"Counterattack, must counterattack, counterattack fiercely!"

Of course, this important task was handed over to Yu Zhulian.

"Report, another team has been attacked."

"How many enemies are there?"

"Three thousand cavalry!"

so much?

Even if he is a ghost!

Yu Zhulian hastily mobilized [-] horses and chased them away.

"Little bastard? Can't catch up with me? Why doesn't Ke Bi Neng come?" Zhao Yun taunted while chatting with Yu Zhulian.

Yu Zhulian is so depressed!

"Too much nonsense, stop and fight me if you have the ability!"

"That's what you said!" Zhao Yun laughed.

Yu Zhulian felt that something was wrong, as a fighter, he was extraordinarily sharp.

Thanks to the recent mental tension!

"That's what I said, do you dare to fight with me?"

Zhao Yun actually stopped and confronted Yu Zhulian's [-] soldiers.

woo woo woo

Suddenly a loud horn sounded, and then horns sounded in all directions.

"No, it's a hit!"

Yu Zhulian yelled, and he just said, why is there a murderous look nearby.

"Turn around and go!"

Yu Zhulian hastily ordered.

But the horn sounded for a while, and then stopped.

Yu Zhulian ran back for a while, and thought for a while.

There is no one chasing him at all!

"Damn it! I was fooled!"

The Han army obviously blew their horns a few times, pretending to be very powerful.

As a result, there were no ambushes at all.

Yu Zhulian became angry from embarrassment.

"Hurry up, turn around, this time I must tear that general into pieces."

So Yu Zhulian went back and forth, and came to the place where Zhao Yun had stopped before, and there was a sign on the open space.

"Yu Zhuyan's big pen!"

Yu Zhulian felt his head explode with a bang.

As Ke Bineng's son-in-law, his status also rose as his father-in-law became the Xianbei Allied Forces.

Yu Zhulian also became more and more proud, thinking about making contributions.

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