However, since the expedition, everything has been unfavorable, and Yu Zhulian wanted to die.

Now being ridiculed by a little general again, how could Yu Zhulian swallow this breath?

"Even if you escape to the ends of the earth, I will smash your corpse into thousands of pieces!"

Yu Zhulian hates it!

Suddenly, horns sounded around again.

Yu Zhulian's heart tightened, and he almost couldn't relax.

tm, trying to cheat me again, almost fell for it again.

"Come again? These Han people are endless!"

Something is wrong!

Yu Zhulian heard the sound of horseshoes.

As a grassland ethnic Xianbei, Yu Zhulian grew up on horseback and is very familiar with the sound of horseshoes.

If it was a fake ambush, who the hell would be so stupid to make so many fake hooves.


Yu Zhulian only had this one thought, and he galloped away.

"Haha, I'm back again!"

Zhao Yun laughed loudly, holding a spear in his hand, and fought for a while.

Yu Zhulian threw away his helmet and armor and fled, losing another [-] men and horses.

"How many times have I given you a chance?"

Ke Bineng almost ran away.

This disappointing son-in-law really disappointed him.

"I..." Yu Zhulian was speechless because he was really incompetent.

"I will deal with this matter personally, and you should reflect on yourself," Ke Bineng said.

Yu Zhuzhan is like being amnesty.

Then it was Ke Bi Neng's turn to have a headache, fewer people chased him out, he was counterattacked, and his teeth were broken.

Once there are too many people, the Han army will run away and will not fight you at all.

There is such a slippery army in the world, refreshing Ke Bineng's cognition.

He knew that the Han people had the sharpest weapons, and the leather armor of the Xianbei people couldn't resist them at all.He also knew that the Han people had the strongest armor, and the Xianbei's swordsmen couldn't break through it at all.

But I have never heard that the Han people have such a shameless army!

And run very fast.

The Xianbei people do not lack war horses, what they lack is a thousand-mile horse.

The Han people are like everyone riding a thousand-mile horse...

Fuck it!

Ke Bi Neng was ashamed.

The army traveled ten miles and fifty miles a day, and even walked for five days, all thanks to Zhao Yun.

The four legs of the Xianbei cavalry are useless!

The most annoying thing is that Zhuge Liang even sent a letter to Ke Bineng, claiming:

Xianbei people are known as millions, but they are chased by [-] of us. Don't Xianbei people lose face?

Ke Bi Neng was furious, and when Zhao Yun made another small move, he directly led the entire army to pursue him.

Zhao Yun is so embarrassed!

Fortunately, Zhuge Liang led the army to help, so no dumplings were made.

"Xianbei people should not be underestimated." Zhao Yun said with lingering fear.

Being pursued by an army of nearly [-] people is such a great feeling.

After tossing and turning like this, the army led by Liu Ke also arrived in Ji County.

According to the current comparison of military strength, the Han army has far surpassed Xianbei.

"My lord, you are finally here!" Lu Xun was very excited. He was under a lot of pressure during this time, and he didn't dare to relax for a moment.

Fortunately, his efforts were not in vain, and Ji County was safe and sound, and Ma Chao and the judge were also responsible for it.

Seeing that Lu Xun was so young, Cao Cao and others felt incredible.

Dongyang Hou's employment is really eclectic!

"Bo Yan, you've worked hard. How's the situation?" Liu Ke asked.

"Thanks to my lord's foresight, I sent General Ma Chao. If it weren't for his bravery, Ji County would be in danger." Lu Xun said.

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