Gucheng, Bahu and others were all outstanding players in Xianbei. They all died so cleanly. If they fought rashly, wouldn't there be only one dead end?

Resolutely not to be the first bird, resolutely not to go out to fight, let's see the situation first.

It's okay if one or two people think like this, but if everyone thinks like this, it's a bit tragic.

Before going to battle, Ke Bineng's face was completely humiliated by his subordinates!

"Ma Mengqi is just a child, no one will take care of him?"

Everyone still bowed their heads.

In the end, Ke Bineng could only look at his blessed son-in-law Yu Zhulian.

Yu Zhulian was stunned, followed Ke Bineng's line of sight, and pointed to himself.

Can he refuse?

Ten thousand MMPs passed by in Yu Zhulian's heart.

"The final general is willing to teach Ma Mengqi a lesson."

Yu Zhulian's intention in saying this was to remind Ke Bineng that he is no match for Ma Chao!

The last time he was attacked at night, Yu Zhulian fought against Ma Chao, and the result can be imagined.

Letting him play now will directly kill him, so he can only say this sentence, hoping that Kebi can comprehend and understand him.

It's a pity that Ke Bi Neng doesn't have so many crooked brains.

"As expected of my son-in-law, it's up to you to fight."

Yu Zhulian was dumbfounded, as things had come to this, he could only bite the bullet and fight.

Ke Bineng let out a long sigh when Yu Zhulian left in a daze.

In this situation, there is no way to do it, and he can't do it himself.

Yu Zhulian went to the battle with great arrogance, of course he didn't do it directly, but hoped to persuade Ma Chao to leave.

This way, there is no need to fight.

"Ma Mengqi, why did you come to provoke us? You still have time to retreat. Did you see that there is an army of [-] behind me, so I ask you if you are afraid!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Not afraid."

Ma Chao put it bluntly.

"Do you dare to fight me?"

Yu Zhulian was immediately discouraged, who made him inferior to others?

"Hmph, there's nothing you dare not do, but I kindly advise you not to make mistakes."

"Stop talking nonsense, come out and fight."

Ma Chao is full of confidence, but looking back at Yu Zhulian, he can't wait to turn around and leave.

But as a Xianbei person, you can't fight timidly, otherwise you won't be able to hold your head up for the rest of your life.

"Okay, then don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless." Yu Zhulian said viciously.

"Just let the horse come here," Ma Chao said.

Suddenly, Yu Zhulian's personal guard whispered:

"My lord, the archers have been arranged."

Yu Zhulian smiled and rode out.Since there is no way to fight head-on, Ke Bi can force him to fight, so he can only play dirty.

The reason why he procrastinated was to prepare for the archer's hiding.

Everything is ready!

"Eat my knife!"

Yu Zhulian came aggressively and hit Ma Chao directly.

"Good come!"

Ma Chao gave a loud shout and patted his horse to meet him.

Yu Zhuran was terrified by such a flowing movement.


The weapons of the two collided together.

Yu Zhulian exerted all his breastfeeding strength, his veins were bulging all over his body, and his face was ferocious.

This is a battle of life and death, not a game!

There is no room for error.

"Go away!"

Yu Zhulian pushed back Ma Chao's spear, and this action was just Ma Chao following the trend.

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