The long spear was changed to stab, fast and precise.

Yu Zhulian frantically danced with knives to block Ma Chao's attack.

The two fought back and forth for more than a dozen rounds.

"Your majesty!"

Ma Chao's power is obvious to all.Yu Zhulian is also a vigorous warrior, but after all, he is still far behind.

Gu Cheng, Ba Hu and others were about as powerful as Yu Zhulian, but they were beheaded in three or two rounds.

Therefore, the people of Xianbei were very surprised that Yu Zhulian could persist for so long.

However, Yu Zhulian couldn't hear the screams of his subordinates at all. He was in a state of being indifferent, with only Ma Chao and the spear in Ma Chao's hands in his eyes.

Simply put, Yu Zhulian has been suppressed until he can't breathe.

The only hope is that the assassination will be successful.So Yu Zhulian has been silently chanting in his heart:

Let the arrows go!Let the arrows go!

In order for Ma Chao to reduce his movements and maintain his figure, Yu Zhulian almost carried Ma Chao's attack hard.

Isn't he tired?

Tired as a dog.

But Yu Zhulian can't give up, he only has one life, if he doesn't cherish it, who will cherish it?


Yu Zhulian felt that his hearing was better than ever, and he even heard the sound of bows and arrows piercing the air.


The bow and arrow hit Ma Chao.

Sorry, there is no blood rush as imagined.

Ma Chao just felt some pain.

After he joined Yangzhou, Liu Ke rewarded him with a piece of inner armor, which has a strong defensive power and cannot be hurt by ordinary bows and arrows.

Yu Zhulian was dumbfounded, the hope he had pinned on was shattered just like that?

It's a little too fast, it's unacceptable.

Ma Chao pulled out the arrow and threw it away, looking away.

Yu Zhulian felt the anger, and a prehistoric and tyrannical breath radiated out.

"No, Ma Chao will definitely go crazy."

A normal Ma Chao is no match for him, let alone Ma Chao with anger bonus?

Yu Zhulian ran away.

How could Ma Chao give up and chase after him.

This place is very close to the Xianbei military camp, so although Yu Zhulian was flustered, the situation was very favorable to him.

"Ma Mengqi, what are you going to do? Why are you chasing me? You've offended me, so I must make you look good!"

"What are you looking at, don't hurry up and protect me!"

Yu Zhulian yelled, and countless personal guards protected him.

Yu Zhulian finally breathed a sigh of relief when he was fully protected.

It's embarrassing, but it's nothing compared to my life.

"Haha, Ma Mengqi, what do you want?"

Yu Zhulian laughed arrogantly, feeling the joy of surviving a catastrophe.


Suddenly there was a loud noise, and Ma Chao directly broke through the human wall, and his eyes moved to Yu Zhulian again.

"Damn, how can a person have such power, the sky is extremely unfair!"

Just as Yu Zhulian was feeling emotional, Ma Chao rushed towards him stepping on the dead body

"Trash, don't hurry up and stop him! There are thousands of troops, can't they be defeated by one person?"

"It's a shame, it's a shame for the Xianbei people."

Ma Chao advanced thirty meters, and with a wave of his spear, dozens of people were swept to the ground.He didn't have time to replenish his gun, so he went after Yu Zhulian.

Yu Zhulian kept backing away, toward the crowd.Ma Chao kept advancing and killing.

So everyone can see that an unstoppable titan breaks through the enemy formation alone.

What a feat!

"Yu Zhulian, where are you running!" Ma Chao shouted while searching for Yu Zhulian.

If Yu Zhulian ran away directly, then no one could do anything to him.But this person is more greedy. Now that Ma Chao is going deep alone, isn't it the best time to besiege him?

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