Therefore, Yu Zhulian keeps showing his head, which drives Ma Chao crazy.

"Kill! Kill him! The commander is yours!"

Yu Zhulian made crazy promises, and the Xianbei people believed it was true, and gathered towards Ma Chao one after another.Attempt to fight with wheels and grind Ma Chao to death.

Ma Chao also felt the crisis of life and death. When Yu Zhulian appeared again, he jumped off his horse and killed him alone.

With Ma Chao's departure, the war horse was pierced into a hedgehog by a spear.

Ma Chao rushed left and right, exhausted.

"It's now!"

Yu Zhulian let out a silent growl in his heart, and handed out his big knife, intending to sneak attack on Ma Chao.

But Ma Chao was waiting for this moment!

He turned around like a tiger, swept his spear, and fell a large piece.

Among them was Yu Zhulian, who did not expect Ma Chao's reaction speed to be so fast.

Just as Yu Zhulian was about to stand up, he was stabbed suddenly. He was so startled that he closed his eyes, but he didn't feel any pain.

Ma Chao didn't kill him!

"Your general is in my hands. If you dare to mess around, he will definitely die."

Ma Chao was in the enemy's formation, majestic and authentic.


The main generals have charged, how could the Yangzhou army remain indifferent?

Charge all the way over, no one can stop.

In the end, the Xianbei people receded like a tide, and only Yu Zhulian was left alive.

Because he was captured by Ma Chao, and he couldn't escape even if he wanted to.

"Brother, Ke Bineng will definitely lead the army out, let's retreat first." Ma Dai suggested.

Ma Chao nodded, agreeing, now his mouth is dry and it is too difficult to speak.

Sure enough, Ke Bi Neng heard that Yu Zhulian was defeated, and hurriedly drove the army to the battlefield. Unfortunately, the Yangzhou Army had already retreated, and it took only a quarter of an hour before and after.

"My lord, chase, you can't just let them go, Master Yu Zhulian was captured by them."

"If you take him captive, take him captive, so you don't get upset when you see him." Ke Bineng laughed at himself.

No matter how many chances he gave Yu Zhulian, how many times Yu Zhulian could screw up.

Mud cannot support the wall.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Ma Chao captured Yu Zhulian and brought him back to the Yangzhou military camp.

Along the way, Yu Zhu's face is like dead ashes.

"Don't you kneel down when you see my lord?!" Lu Bu yelled, his voice shook, and Yu Zhulian knelt down obediently.

At this moment, he has completely lost his courage, and he doesn't know what is the meaning of living.

It is absolutely unspeakable for a proud Xianbei to become a prisoner.

Can I return to Xianbei in the future?

Yu Zhulian was in a trance and lost his mind, and he had the will to die.

"If you want to kill or cut, do it as soon as possible!"

Liu Ke shook his head and said, "I won't let you die so easily."

"Bah, Han dog, don't be hypocritical!" Yu Zhulian said fragrantly.

Dian Wei slapped him all over the mouth.

"Brother, it's useless to keep him, you might as well fulfill him."

Hearing this sentence, Yu Zhulian turned pale with fright.

If you can live, who wants to die.

"Now only you can save yourself, tell me what you know." Liu Ke said.

"Haha, what is there to say? My father-in-law, Ke Bineng, raised millions of troops and is about to flatten the Central Plains. Marquis Dongyang, wait for your death!"

Yu Zhulian suddenly went mad.

"Joke, Ke Bi Neng was so beaten that he didn't dare to fight. He humiliated the Huns, how dare he talk about other things?" Ma Chao yelled angrily.

Yu Zhulian spit at Ma Chao, expressing his helplessness.

"Give him a good time." Liu Ke ordered.

Yu Zhulian died, and his head was given to Ke Bineng.

Ke Bi Neng looked at the box containing the head and remained silent.

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