Dongyang Hou is going to die forever!

But can Kebi be afraid?

will not!

Xianbei people have participated in wars since birth, and their lives should end in wars.

Outside the camp, Ju Luohou walked back and forth anxiously like a lone wolf in a desperate situation.

At the door, several armed Kebineng guards were staring at him, as if to prevent him from doing anything unfavorable.

"I want to see my brother, I want to see my brother!"

"Master Ke Bineng is busy with military affairs and has no time to summon him. Please don't embarrass me."

The leading Xianbei general stepped forward.

What about a liar?

Ju Luohou roared like crazy.

"What do you want to see me for?"

Ke Bineng's faint voice came from the tent.

"I've seen adults!"

Xianbei's personal guards hurriedly said hello and saluted respectfully.

With a wave of his hand, Ke Bi Neng made these people retreat for the time being, and stared coldly at the furious Ju Luohou with a pair of emotionless eyes.

"I'm here, just speak up if you have anything to say."

Ju Luohou's heart trembled when he was stared at by Ke Bineng, and the elder brother's majesty, which had been accumulated for many years, extinguished most of the anger in Ju Luohou's heart.

Ke Bi can be very capable, otherwise he wouldn't let so many people follow him.

"Yu Zhulian has been captured, and your son-in-law Yu Zhulian has been captured. Are you indifferent?"

Ju Luohou has always had a good relationship with Yu Zhulian. Now that his good friend has been arrested, he is of course nervous and hopes that Kebi can rescue Yu Zhulian.

"Marching and fighting, how can there be a reason for constant victory? If you fail, you have to pay the price. No matter what the price is, you have to bear it yourself. If I want to give him a chance to make contributions, I can't guarantee his safety. Since he has chosen this opportunity , is there anything wrong with taking some risks?"

Ju Luohou was silent, the reason was like this, but he was too cold-blooded and ruthless.

"No matter what, Yu Zhulian is fighting for you. Now that he is captured, he must be rescued, right?"

Ke Bi Neng let out a long sigh and pointed to the box.

"open to take a look."

Ju Luohou opened it suspiciously, and lost his mind for a moment.

How could this be?

"The matter has come to this, is there anything else I can do besides avenge him?" Kebi Neng said calmly.

"It's true that there are no more. Pity my niece, she became a widow at a young age." Ju Luohou sighed.

"Children of Xianbei, how can they be so affectionate? It will be fine after a while. My son-in-law Yu Zhulian was captured, and he was helpless. Now that his head appears here, he also showed a strong side. If he knelt down and begged for mercy , with the nature of the Han people, he will definitely let him go and humiliate me." Ke Bineng seemed to see through everything.

"That's good, that's good, so as not to suffer." Ju Luohou comforted himself.

Ke Bi Neng seemed calm, but in fact, the hatred in his heart soared.

Yu Zhulian was not very capable, but he was still his son-in-law. Dongyanghou's lack of face deeply hurt Ke Bineng's self-esteem.

"Don't get rid of the Marquis of Dongyang, I can't get rid of it. I only hate it."

Kebi can punch the case table with one punch.

"I didn't expect that the Han people could gather so many troops during the civil strife in the Central Plains. It's really surprising."

This is an army of millions of Xianbei, but the number of Han people is not in vain.Moreover, the combat power of the Han people is beyond Ke Bineng's imagination, so they can only stay behind closed doors and do not fight. If things go on like this, their morale must be extremely low.

When the Xianbei army returns from all walks of life, will they still agree with him as the leader?

Therefore, we must defeat the Han people, even if it is a small victory.

"Brother, it is not easy to defeat the Han people."

"I know, so it's time for Qiu Hong to take the risk."

As soon as this name was mentioned, Ke Bineng's expression became a little unnatural.

Because this man is infinitely strong, a little arrogant, and a little naive, he often offends Ke Bineng.

"Kebineng was raised by girls!"

"Master Xianbei this year is not as good as Kebi can be raised by a woman."

In a martial arts competition, he even beat Ke Bineng to win the championship, without giving Ke Bineng any face.

Due to various reasons, Qiu Hongxian was not reused. Ke Bi Neng would rather use Yu to build a war than Qiu Hongxian.

But now it's a critical moment, and Ke Bineng can't care so much anymore.

No matter how arrogant Qiu Hongjian was, he was still a Xianbei.

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