What is Dongyanghou?

Therefore, Ke Bi Neng took his personal guards and visited Qiu Hongxian's camp in person, hoping that he would fight.

"What? Is there something that Kebi Neng can't handle? It's not impossible for me to fight, but what's the benefit?"

Qiu Hong held his chin up, looking like a lion opening his mouth wide.

Kebi was angry when he saw it, but he held it back, everything was for Xianbei!

"As long as you fight and defeat the Han people, I will admit that you are the number one warrior in Xianbei."

"I was the number one warrior, why do you have to admit it?"

Ke Bi Neng stared straight at Qiu Hongxian's face, wishing to tear it apart.


"what do you want?"

"Hey, I don't want much, as long as Mr. Ke Bineng can call me father, I will fight."

Ke Bi Neng's face turned red, if it wasn't for him and Qiu Hongxian now, he would kill people to silence them.

What exactly does Qiu Hongxian want to do, and why does he have unreasonable thoughts about him?

However, for the sake of Xianbei, Ke Bi can go all out.


"Hey, son."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The son is being bullied, how can a father stand by and watch?

Qiu Hong kept his word, and directly raised his big ax to fight.

"Wait!" Kebi Neng stopped.

"What are you doing? Do you still want to call me father?" Qiu Hongxian said enthusiastically.

call you uncle!

Ke Bineng asked a soul question directly.

"Do you know the way? Do you know where the Han people are?"

Qiu Hongxian scratched his head, he really didn't know him.

"Ju Luohou followed him."

After leaving the camp, Ke Bi Neng ordered.

"As ordered."

"Do you know where to go? Go to Cao Cao's barracks to fight, not to Dongyang Hou."

This is a strategy that Kebi can come up with. Since Dongyanghou is more difficult to deal with, let's deal with his wings first.

Cao Cao helped Zhou to abuse him and took him to the knife.

Ju Luohou knew the importance, so he ordered [-] troops to go to fight, and his reputation shook the sky along the way.

The scouts of Cao Cao's army are not blind, they must be able to see it at a glance, and report to Cao Cao immediately.

"Uh, the Xianbei people are coming in menacingly. What is your strategy to retreat from the enemy?" Cao Cao asked condescendingly.

"Prime Minister, we might as well have a big fight so that these Xianbei tortoise grandchildren realize how powerful we are." Xiahou Dun said, waving his fist.

"The subordinates are all old, weak, sick, and disabled. How can we fight? Once the strength of our army is found out by the Xianbei people, this kind of thing will definitely happen again and again." Yang Xiudao.

"Hmph, Marquis Dongyang defeated the Xianbei people's battle, went to provoke the Xianbei camp, and captured the enemy's general Yu Zhulian. With such a record, wouldn't it be a joke if our army flinched?!" Xiahou Dun sullenly soundtrack.

You see, people can't bully Dongyang Hou, they can bully Cao Cao.

Cao Cao is still a small subject, he just doesn't resist.

"Okay, okay, don't quarrel." Cao Cao stood up and persuaded the fight. Now he regretted bringing the old and the weak to the alliance.

It is easy to drop the chain at critical moments!

It's too late now to exchange for [-] elite soldiers.

"My lord, you might as well test Xianbei first. If it is strong, our army will avoid it. If it is weak, we will attack it head-on." Sima Yi suggested.

This suggestion is simply a mess, but it perfectly resolves the conflict between the two parties, and it is a good idea.

"Okay." Cao Cao agreed.

There was a lot of swords and swords outside Cao Cao's barracks, because Qiu Hongxian came to fight, he took off his pants, scolded Cao Cao as a stinky bitch, and said bluntly that he missed Cao Cao's ass very much.

Who can bear this kind of ridicule?

The generals and soldiers of Cao Cao's army were so furious that they wished to raise their guns and mount their horses to fight against him.

It's a pity that everyone is a soldier and has no right to fight.

"Hurry up and ask General Xiahou to come out and teach this thief a lesson."

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