After finishing speaking, he rode his horse and chased after him. Xiahoudun was unable to control the horse precisely because of his shoulder injury, so he was quickly overtaken by the opponent.

"Boy, today is your day of death!" Qiu Hongxian said through gritted teeth.

His new clothes!

These Han people dress well, so of course they don't feel bad.

Qiu Hong was about to catch up with Xiahou Dun.

But at this moment, Xiahou Dun suddenly bent backwards, and stabbed at Qiu Hong who was chasing him with his spear like lightning. It was a good show to lure a snake out of its hole!

"Despicable!" Qiu Hong exclaimed in alarm, and his huge body slid onto the horse's belly, avoiding returning the carbine.

Xiahou Dun was startled, and his face showed horror!

This was a sure-fire blow, but Qiu Hongxian dodged it with superb riding skills.

Xiahou Dun shot again, this shot was fast and urgent, Qiu Hong hurriedly raised his giant ax to block it.

The two sides are wrong.

Qiu Hong snorted coldly, and pulled his horse to charge Xiahou Dun again. This time, he was even more powerful, with the sound of whistling wind.

In an instant, dozens of moves were fought, and there was no winner, Xiahou Dun was panting like a cow.

"Haha, you are not as strong as me."

Qiu Hong dangerously told the truth, which made Xia Houdun feel cold.

But Qiu Hong took the opportunity to recover some strength and attacked again.

"Despicable villain!" Xia Houdun cursed secretly, but there was nothing he could do.

This person is very strong, a little stronger than him.

If we continue to fight, I'm afraid we will have to explain here.

It's not that Xiahou Dun is afraid of Qiu Hong, it's just that one side is in the barracks and the other is in formation on the field.

Once Xiahou Dun was exhausted, Qiu Hongxian would definitely order soldiers to capture him.

So Xiahoudun must maintain a certain amount of spare energy, otherwise he will not know how he died.In this case, how is Qiu Hongxian's opponent?

He was crushed and beaten in an instant.

The two sides fought again for [-] rounds. Xiahou Dun knew that he could not win, so he went back to the camp.

How could Qiu Hong risk give up.

"That Han general, your master has been humiliated under my crotch, don't you want to avenge him?"

"Perhaps the women in your family have a relationship with me."

Abusive language continues...

Xiahou Dun was furious when he heard this, if it wasn't for his own life, he would have killed him long ago.

When Xiahou Dun returned to the camp, a rain of arrows forced Qiu Hong back.

"Hey, there is no Han Chinese who can fight, they are all little mice!"

Qiu Hongxian turned on the swearing mode again, spitting out all kinds of swear words from his mouth.

The generals of Cao Cao's army became angry with embarrassment, and the veins on their foreheads popped up, but there was nothing they could do.

Because everyone saw that Xiahou Dun was being chased back.

"Yuan Rang, are you okay?" Cao Cao asked with concern.

"King Wei, the general has let you down." Xiahou Dun said sadly.

"As long as you're fine."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Qiu Hongxian was still scolding and fighting, as if he had endless energy.

Ju Luohou was worried about something, and proposed to fight another day.

"Do you want to be my son too?" Qiu Hong said with a deep smile.

Ju Luohou didn't know why.

"Now that our army has gained the upper hand, the consecutive defeat of the second general of Cao Cao's army is enough to explain to my brother, we might as well go back first, rest and recuperate before returning."

"Joke, why rest? Isn't it good to hang and beat the Han people directly? Since you don't do anything, just stay obediently in the army. If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb."

Qiu Hongxian was very dissatisfied. In his opinion, Ju Luohou was just a weak chicken, and he was chattering around, making a lot of noise.

"It's Lao Tzu who is fighting. I can rest whenever I want. Can you control me? Have you asked about my axe?"

Qiu Hong raised his giant axe, Ju Luohou dared not persuade him any more.

After picking Ju Luohou, Qiu Hong happily went to scold and fight.

Cao Cao's army is really miserable!

This Qiu Hongxian is really too hateful!

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