"If you have the ability, you shoot me with arrows? Don't dare? Then I will shoot your king, oh, it seems to be King Wei!"

Yu Jin on the side became furious with embarrassment, the veins on his forehead popped up, he wished he could rush out and fight with him.

And Cao Cao himself, listening to Qiu Hongxian's obscenities here, didn't say a word.

Needless to say, once Cao Cao stops here, the morale of the army is very stable.

Everyone didn't even complain.

"Please Dongyang Hou to fight." Cao Cao said calmly and helplessly.

If Qiu Hong was allowed to scold him, Cao Cao would feel even more ashamed!

What the hell, this Qiu Hongxian is really not a thing, he dares to say anything.

"My lord, the last general can go to battle." Xia Houyuan said unwillingly, "Yuan Rang has exhausted his strength, the last general will definitely be able to take him down."

"Forget it, wouldn't it be better to give Marquis Dongyang a headache?" Cao Cao said.

Zhao Yun had been waiting for a long time, and set off immediately after receiving Cao Cao's request for help.

"Cao Mengde really suffered a big loss, so he had to ask us to take action. This time, he must be slapped in the face severely." Lu Bu said a little happily.

"I'm afraid it's not an easy task, even Xiahou Dun lost." Zhao Yun said.

Xiahou Dun's martial arts are outstanding, and he has a place among the famous generals of the world.But such people have all failed. It is conceivable that there are indeed warriors among the Xianbei people.

Qiu Hongxian's title of number one warrior is well-deserved.

"No, the Han army is here to help." Ju Luohou said in shock.

The cavalry was dispatched, and they couldn't hide their whereabouts at all.

"The reinforcements are the reinforcements. What's there to be afraid of? Cao Cao's army is huddled in the camp, and it's hard to deal with. Now there is a group of death squads. If you don't eat them, I'm sorry for their hard work." Qiu Hong said carelessly.

"Make meritorious deeds, at this moment, whoever shrinks back is not a Xianbei."

"Haha, Han Chinese are nothing, we follow the general to kill them!"

"Haha, this is my good boy!"

Who is the main general?

Ju Luohou couldn't help suspecting that Qiu Hongxian had conquered the Xianbei people present by force.

It is in nature for Xianbei people to obey the strong.

"How about this, since the subject is blatantly coming, let's salute first and then fight, kill a few of his generals, and then charge forward to decide the outcome."

Qiu Hongxian made arrangements directly.

Then, the armies of the two sides confronted each other.

Ju Luohou saw that the armor of the Han army was bright, and at first glance it was an elite division, which was difficult to deal with.

But Qiu Hongxian had already galloped out and provocatively said:

"Who will fight with me?"

"What dog is blocking the way? Shouldn't you give your name before challenging others?" Lu Bu shouted.

His voice was very loud, almost as good as Qiu Hong's.

"Fuck, you soft-footed sheep also want to know my name, wishful thinking!"

Looking at this arrogant appearance, Zhao Yun could tell it at a glance.

"You are Qiu Hongxian?"

"That's right, it's Laozi. I didn't expect Laozi's reputation to become famous among the Han people so quickly. Yes, yes."

Qiu Hongxian was triumphant, but the next scene made him feel humiliated.

"General, the last general invites you to fight!" Lu Bu said boldly.

"I want to fight too." Xu Chu said.

"Zhongkang, what are you robbing, leave this person to me." Lu Bu said dissatisfied.

"One hundred rounds, he must be killed." Xu Chu said.

"Huh? One hundred rounds, so much, I only need eighty rounds." Lu Bu said.

"Then I only need fifty rounds." Xu Chu said.

The more the two fought, the fewer rounds, and finally Lu Bu simply said "one round".

Qiu Hongxian's face turned into a pig liver color, damn it, he was completely ignored.

The reason why Zhao Yun didn't stop him was because he wanted to anger Qiu Hongxian, and it seemed that his goal was easily achieved.

"One round? How can you brag so much? How dare you issue a military order?" Xu Chu said.

Of course Lu Bu didn't dare, since it's bragging, who wouldn't?

"Don't be impatient, General Lu, have you seen that Xianbei commander?" Zhao Yun quietly pointed to Ju Luohou and said, "You can find a chance to capture him later."

Lu Bu nodded, this is not difficult.

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