"Zhongkang is in charge of the battle." Zhao Yun continued to order.

"Leave it to me." Xu Chu stepped forward to provoke with a big knife in his hand.

Qiu Hongxian couldn't wait a long time ago. Since these people look down on him, they should speak with their strength.

Generally, people who can brag are not very strong.

Unfortunately, Qiu Hongxian believed in his own strength very much, and he was also very capable.

The two sides were at each other's throats.

Xu Chu suddenly took a step forward and said:

"Wait a minute, I still have something to do."

Qiu Hongxian said impatiently: "What's the matter, can't you hurry up?"


Xu Chu took off his armor and threw it on the ground, causing a burst of dust.

This pair of armor weighed at least a few dozen kilograms.

Next, Xu Chu flexed his muscles and bones as if no one was there, and took off his shirt by the way.

"Zhongkang, what do you mean?" Zhao Yun was a little puzzled.

If Xu Chu was injured because of this, Zhao Yun would definitely blame himself very much.

"Nothing, wearing armor is very inconvenient."

Sure enough, this is the case, but everyone has their own way of fighting, and Zhao Yun will not interfere.

"Be careful in everything, if you can't do anything, just return it."

"Zilong don't worry, I still have to serve the lord, the mere Xianbei people can't do anything to me."

Xu Chu came to Qiu Hongxian naked.

"Fatty, what are you doing?" Qiu Hongxian teased.

"Your grandfather doesn't want to take advantage of you. You don't wear armor, and neither do I." Xu Chu said.

"Okay, I'm a man, and I will save your life when the time comes." Qiu Hong said dangerously.

Of course Xu Chu would not easily believe what the enemy said, and if he took it lightly, he would definitely suffer a big loss.

"I don't think your head is very delicate, why not twist it off and let Yangzhou craftsmen carve it."

Qiu Hongxian was furious, he didn't expect such a simple and honest fat man to be so good at mocking people.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Ha ha!"

Qiu Hongxian burst out laughing suddenly, people who didn't know thought he was crazy.

Laughter contains a chill.

"The fat man bullied me too much, come here, give me an axe!"

After speaking, he angrily struck at Xu Chu.

However, at this time Ju Luohou hastily stopped him, with an anxious expression on his face, he persuaded:

"General, you have defeated the enemy general Xiahoudun before, so you must be very tired. Why don't you wait for a night's rest and make an appointment tomorrow, how about that?"

It's fine if Ju Luohou doesn't speak, but this doesn't mean that he thinks that Qiu Hongxian is exhausted, and he is not the opponent of this fat man. This is a humiliation for the first warrior.

Hearing this, Qiu Hongxian pushed Ju Luohou away angrily, and cursed: "I have the final say here, what are you! A coward like a mouse has no right to speak."

Ju Luohou, who was pushed off the horse, pulled Qiu Hongxian's feet regardless of his identity and shouted:

"General, don't fight, don't fight! In case of defeat, the morale of our army will be hit hard!"

Fuck, I was really worried that I would lose the battle!

With a dark face, Qiu Hong kicked Ju Luohou away. His strength was so great that Ju Luohou flew out directly.

Qiu Hongxian charged towards Xu Chu like a wild horse running wild.

The Yangzhou army did not rush forward to solve the serious problem of Qiu Hongxian, only Xu Chu was in front.

Seeing Qiu Hongxian slashing at him with a horizontal axe, Xu Chu bent down and leaned against the horse's back to avoid the knife, then swung the sword and slashed at the opponent's back!

Qiu Hongxian only felt a chill on his back, and hurriedly bowed and leaned against the horse's back, staggering past.

Neither side took advantage of this blow, it can only be said that they were evenly matched.

Then the two turned their horses around, and this time it was Xu Chu who attacked first!

You must know that Qiu Hongxian has been dealing with horses since he was born, and his riding skills are very superb, especially in turning the horse's head, he is even a master.

He also used this trick to deal with Xiahou Dun many times, and gradually established an advantage.

But, why is a fat man with mediocre riding skills able to take the lead?

Qiu Hongxian couldn't figure it out, until Xu Chu's war horse neighed, he suddenly realized, and then jealousy.

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