Fuck, isn't this a hard-earned BMW?

Fatty has such a magical horse?

Qiu Hong was in Xianbei and was not valued. He was seen clearly by Ke Bineng. He was also a poor man, so he didn't have any good war horses.

At this moment, seeing that Xu Chu's mount turned out to be a bloody horse, he couldn't help being envious and jealous.

Be sure to kill him and get this steed!

BMW in the hands of this fat man is simply ruined!

When the two sides approached, Xu Chu suddenly clamped the horse's belly, and the sweaty horse jumped into the air, taking advantage of the opportunity to slash at Qiu Hongxian's head!

If Qiu Hong made up his mind and risked getting injured, he would definitely be able to kill BMW.

Xu Chu even stunned the shield with the horse, intending to exchange injuries for injuries.

It's just a waste of money!


Qiu Hongxian became more and more angry, fighting with a rich local tyrant was just aggrieved.

It was nothing at first, but now that I look carefully, the weapon in Xu Chu's hand is also a treasure.

Qiu Hong felt that he was going crazy and getting rich, as long as he defeated Xu Chu, everything would be his.


Qiu Hong dangerously raised his ax to block, his ax was mainly used for attacking, and now he was going to use it for defense, not to mention how uncomfortable it was.

Xu Chu's trembling Qiu Hong risked taking three steps backwards!

Qiu Hongxian was taken aback by such power.

This person is not weaker than him in terms of strength, and is even higher than him.

When Qiu Hongxian was not stable, Xu Chu urged his mount to attack again. This knife was like lightning, extremely fast, and before Qiu Hongxian could react, he slashed his right shoulder!

If Qiu Hong hadn't turned his body away at the critical moment, he would have been seriously injured at this moment.

"Damn it, fat man, wait for me, I'm going to be serious."

Now, women gain combat power when they take off their clothes. In ancient times, men did the same.

Xu Chu is like this, the more he fights, the braver he becomes.

Seeing Qiu Hongxian's body slammed for talking nonsense, Xu Chu was not polite to him, turned the sword, and slashed at Qiu Hongxian's neck again.

Breaking the air!

Qiu Hong regained his senses, the sword was already in front of his eyes, he had no choice but to lower his head and avoid it.

Just like a son worships his father!

If it wasn't for his life, Qiu Hongxian would definitely not be like this.

But Xu Chu's knife cut off Qiu Hongxian's headband, and the latter immediately disheveled like a tramp.


Qiu Hongjian did dodge this attack, but lost all face.

Just when Qiu Hongxian was still in shock, Xu Chu went straight to his face again!

This Nima is definitely an expert in sneak attacks, it's a real hammer!

Realizing that the danger was approaching, Qiu Hong was startled. Only at this time did he realize that he was overwhelmed. He should rest for half a day and return to his peak to fight again.

Qiu Hongxian immediately blocked the knife with an axe, and then steered his horse straight to the Xianbei army.

No matter, save your life first.

"Qiu Hongxian, take your life!"

Outside Cao Cao's barracks, Xu Chu killed Qiu Hong so dangerously that he didn't dare to fight.

Turning back is death.

Ju Luohou seized the opportunity to intervene and quickly ordered:

"What are you still doing? Rescue General Qiu Hongxian!"

Ju Luohou commanded the Xianbei army to charge up, no matter how arrogant and domineering Qiu Hongxian was, and how he treated him, the overall situation still needed to be the most important at this time.

If he didn't send someone to rescue Qiu Hongjian, things would be even more troublesome.

"Stop him!"

Qiu Hongxian also knew the importance of his teammates, so he hurriedly shouted.

Immediately, countless spears were pointed at Xu Chu.

Xu Chu swung his saber, countless spears broke, and the blade slapped, and the Xianbei soldiers threw them at the comrades behind like kites with broken strings. Xu Chu's strength was so great that the ten cavalrymen died on the spot, and several of their companions were killed.

"The thieves should leave!"

How could Zhao Yun let Xu Chu fight alone?Immediately sounded the horn to charge, to help Xu Chu.

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