woo woo

The one-on-one fight that was agreed has now directly evolved into a melee.

Lu Bu slapped his horse out, looking for the figure of Ju Luohou.

"do not run!"

Xu Chu rushed from left to right, and there was no single enemy among the Xianbei people, so he often stabbed down with blood flying everywhere.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Qiu Hongxian didn't feel any regrets, because in his opinion, the sacrifice of these people was to protect him, and it was worth it.

"Haha, can't you catch up with me? Little fat man!"

Qiu Hongxian laughed wildly, completely angering Xu Chu.

At this moment, Zhao Yun shot across, and countless Xianbei soldiers fell down.

"Zhongkang, I will open the way for you!"

"Thank you Zilong!"

Xu Chu was grateful, and then the two of them killed the enemy together and went straight to pursue Qiu Hongjian.

Qiu Hong escaped all the way, escaped from the melee area, and went straight to the Xianbei camp. There were hundreds of thousands of troops there, so it was not a problem to keep him safe.

Ju Luohou was dumbfounded, he came to fight for real, but he never thought of fighting directly!

Nima's, another big defeat.

Chapter eight hundred and ninety nine

The number one warrior, Qiu Hong, fled all the way in embarrassment, no longer in high spirits like before.

"General, can you let me go?"

The voice was almost pleading.

"Hey, don't you think it's too late to beg for mercy now?" Xu Chu sneered.

The distance between the two sides is very close, less than ten meters.Xu Chu is a god horse, and it is only a matter of time before he catches up with Qiu Hongxian.

If Xu Chu's archery skills were better, he wouldn't be so troublesome, which is a pity.

"I fought with you!"

Qiu Hongxian was suddenly furious, and suddenly slowed down with a huge ax in his hand, wanting to return the horse axe.

It's a pity that Xu Chu had been on guard for a long time, avoided this blow, and took advantage of the situation to pull into the distance between the two sides, and slashed out with a knife.

For the first time, Qiu Hongxian felt that death was approaching, as if ten thousand mud horses galloped past his heart.

"Do not!!!"

This is Qiu Hongxian's last words.

Xu Chu was naked and his body was stained with a lot of blood. He carried Qiu Hongxian's head and returned to the battlefield.

"Qiu Hongxian has been beheaded, do you still have to fight to the end?"

After drinking heavily, everyone looked sideways.

Sure enough, it was Qiu Hongxian's head.

The Xianbei people suddenly turned ashen, on the contrary, the morale of the Yangzhou army was greatly boosted.

It's the labor and capital Qiu Hongxian who defeated Xiahoudun in a big way, but now he is killed by Xu Chu. This is the gap.

"General Xu is mighty!"

Thousands of words come together in this one sentence.

"Escape!" This was the thought of all the Xianbei people present.

The Yangzhou army took advantage of the situation to conceal and kill them, and smashed them.

"Haha! Have fun!" Xu Chu laughed heartily, but saw Lu Bu's face darkened.

"what happened?"

"I searched for a long time, but I didn't meet the Xianbei commander, bad luck, let him escape."

"It turns out that this is the matter. I can share half of your credit."

Xu Chu patted his chest, acting like you are my good brother.

"Forget it." Lu Bu said depressedly. Although Xu Chu had no intentions, in Lu Bu's view, it was like giving alms, which he could not bear.

"Haha, I wish you luck next time." Xu Chu said.

In Cao Cao's barracks, Yu Jin also heard the sound of fighting. He didn't need to look to know that the Xianbei people and the Yangzhou army were fighting.

Yu Jin quickly asked Cao Cao if he wanted to support him.

"Go, why not go?"

Cao Cao smiled meaningfully.

Yu Jin understood immediately, and went to "support" with [-] people.As a result, as soon as they arrived at the battlefield, the battle was over.

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