Just send his subordinates to do some small tricks.

Yu Jin didn't understand at first, but he could only nod his head.It took a long time to wake up, and he was treated as a fool if he dared to.

"My lord, Cao Cao's army is really abominable. They actually want to take our credit." Lu Bu said viciously, wishing to raise troops to fight against them.

Liu Ke smiled slightly and said, "In the future, you should pay attention to it, and the supervision system should also be implemented."

In Yecheng, Liu Ke once suggested that each army should be supervised by three parties.The supervising army does not care about marching and fighting, but is only responsible for counting military exploits.

If Sun Ce and Liu Bei had people accompanying the army, would Cao Cao still dare to be arrogant?

Such a blatant grab for merit is a provocation to Liu Ke. At that time, Liu Ke will have many ways to punish Cao Cao.

"Let's forget about this matter?" Lu Bu felt a little regretful.

"How is it possible? Cao Cao must have come to apologize now."

Sure enough, an hour later, Cao Cao brought Yu Jin to the Yangzhou military camp.And Yu Jin was tied up, as if he had made some mistake.

"Marquis Dongyang, my young general, Jin, had a conflict with your army not long ago? Now I specially brought him here to apologize."

"Meng De is a bit polite, one hundred lashes is enough." Liu Ke said.

The corner of Yu Jin's mouth twitched while being tied up, Cao Cao was also very embarrassed.

At first, he wanted to stage a reconciliation scene and stabilize Liu Ke.

Unexpectedly, Liu Ke was not polite at all, took the stick, and hit the ban hard.

"Marquis of Dongyang, although Yu Jin made a mistake, it is time to defend against the Xianbei people, so we might as well give him a way out," Cao Cao said.

A hundred lashes usually won't kill anyone, but if you don't lie in bed for a month, it's hard to get well.

Who knows what unforeseen things will happen a month from now.

"I didn't expect Meng De to protect his subordinates like this. It's really admirable. Let's change it to fifty. For the sake of Brother Meng De, the reduction of fifty is not enough?"

Fifty is fifty!

Cao Cao confessed directly, and Yu Jin's screams came from outside the camp. One whip hurts more than two whips.

Yu Jin could only grit his teeth and swallow the bitter fruit.

Lu Bu and the others looked at it very comfortably, no matter in which era, military merit is the most important thing.

Without rewards, warriors will not fight for you.

Literati can take imperial examinations, but warriors can only go to the battlefield.

"Is the Marquis of Dongyang still satisfied?" Cao Cao asked.

Liu Ke nodded.

"I heard that Meng De's camp leaked air and water. I still want to help you take a break. Now it seems unnecessary."

What is a rest?Burned to rebuild?

It was terrible, Cao Cao couldn't help admiring this step, he did the right thing and didn't escalate the conflict.

If Liu Bei and Liu Ke, or Sun Ce and Liu Ke had a conflict, Cao Cao would be very happy.

"Now I tell everyone clearly that stealing credit is a very bad thing. I hope everyone can learn from it."

The coalition forces have been tossing for a few days, and Liu Ke also waited for his [-] troops, and a decisive battle will begin.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Why are my subordinates so useless?

Ke Bineng couldn't understand it.

"Brother, that's how it happened." Ju Luohou told the story of the battle, sighing endlessly.

"Qiu Hong almost missed me!"

Ke Bi Neng said angrily, looking at Ju Luohou with unharmonious eyes.

After all, Qiu Hongxian was dead, and Ju Luohou said what he said, and no one refuted it.

Ke Bi Neng didn't bother to distinguish between true and false, he now has more concerns.

"Where is Suli? Why hasn't he come yet?"

On the side of the Han allied forces, even the slow-moving Liu Bei has arrived, but Suli is in Youbeiping County, a few counties away, and still has four legs, and he has not yet arrived. What kind of concept is this?

It's time for the turtle to climb to Jixian.

"Master Su Li seems to have encountered a little trouble?"

Snake skin is a little troublesome, Su Li is almost peeling off a layer of skin.

In the beginning, Que Ji was defeated for a while, which was harmless.

Su used the method of dividing troops to turn Tian Yushu around, and the plan was very successful.

Ke Bineng, an old boy, suddenly summoned an allied army, ruining Su Li's plan.

Let's defeat the main force of the Han army first!

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