Su Li felt that he should focus on the overall situation, so he prepared to gather troops to support Ji County.

But things backfired, and a Tai Shici was killed halfway, making Suli miserable.

At the beginning, Taishi Ci had just arrived in Youbeiping. On the one hand, he sent scouts to find out the traces of the Xianbei people, and on the other hand, he sent messengers to contact the Youbeiping defenders.

The scouts got all kinds of news, there are Xianbei people here, there are also Xianbei people there, and Tai Shici has a big head.

At one point, he even thought that the scouts were playing tricks on him, or that the Xianbei people were playing tricks.

Later, when the messenger returned and brought back Tian Yu's letter, Tai Shici suddenly realized.

"The enemy divides his forces to fight, this is our chance." Pang Tong said, and he could see where the fighter was at a glance.

Tai Shici felt that his luck was too good, it was simply a godsend.

So Tai Shici led the cavalry into battle, adopted the strategy of defeating them one by one, and won a huge victory.

More than [-] battles, large and small, killed more than [-] Xianbei.

You must know that Tai Shici commanded only [-] troops, so it is really surprising that he was able to achieve such a great result.

Tai Shici was happy, and Su Li was furious every day.

What's the matter with this Nima?

"Damn it, we must destroy this Han army. If we don't avenge this revenge, how can we support it?"

"Master Suli, please allow me to fight." Mijia said angrily.

Half of the lost troops belonged to Mika's subordinates.

No matter who falls on this tragedy, it will collapse.

"This matter needs to be considered in the long run."

After the resentment passed, Su Li was extremely calm.Reckless is not acceptable, we must come up with a plan.

"Do you have any idea?" Su Li racked her brains, but couldn't think of a good idea.

For the Xianbei people, using their brains is better than using their lives!

"Master Su Li, we can send an army as a bait. This Han army is crazy. Seeing that our army is small, they will definitely step forward and bite." Que Ji suggested.

"Makes sense."

Su-ri agreed and sent out the bait.

For three days, there was no movement.

"Lord Su Li, we have to be patient." Que Ji said.

Another three days later, Tai Shici still did not come.

"What's going on?" Su Li asked suspiciously.

The light bulb on Que Ji's head lit up, and he said: "Oh, why did I forget one thing... Our army's main formation is here, only twenty miles away from the bait. The Han army is cunning, and must have seen through our plan. Why not Divide up again..."

"Divide the troops again and give them a chance to defeat them one by one?" Mi Jia said.

"We're just pretending..." Que Ji forcefully argued.

"Pretending, how to deceive the cunning Han people?" Mi Jia asked.

The line of thought hit a dead end.

Xianbei people are good at fighting and killing, but they are really not good at intrigue.

Can't stand the scrutiny at all.

"Then what do you say?" Que Ji said angrily.

"How do I know? Doing nothing is better than doing everything wrong, right?" Mi Jia said, and even spoke out a philosophy.

Idiot, trash!

Su Li could only curse in her heart, if she really said it, it would definitely cause a storm.

We are all brothers who love each other, how can we swear?

"In this case, it's better to go directly to Ji County, it's just a waste of time here." Su Li said with a final word.

"Brother is still smart and can make decisions." Que Ji accidentally flattered him.

Su Li laughed, feeling much better, Tai Shici gave him too much haze.

As soon as the Xianbei army moved, Tai Shici got the news.

"Are they going to Ji County?"

"Not bad." The scout said.

"Okay, I know, continue to pay close attention." Tai Shici ordered.

The scout cupped his fists and retreated.

"Now that we know what happened to the Xianbei people, what can we do?" Tai Shici asked Pang Tong.

To be honest, Pang Tong didn't have a very clever strategy, everything must be based on actual combat, otherwise it would be empty talk.

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