So the conditions that Cao Cao gave are the same as if they were not given.

Liu is not a novice, shouting some slogans and expressing some respect is not enough to satisfy his appetite.

"In the Battle of Bingzhou, everything was seized, and the Marquis of Dongyang monopolizes [-]%!"

Finally it came to the main event.

There are millions of Xianbei troops and countless war horses. If they can all be captured, Liu Ke can build his own horse farm.

In the north, the Wuhuan people have been maimed and become obedient citizens.

The Xiongnu surrendered, and in the battle of Hexi, they were maimed again by Xiahouyuan.

Now that Xianbei is dealt with, the north will be Liu Ke's horse herding land.

Yangzhou also has its own small horse farm, but the war horses raised in the south are, to be honest, a little weak.

"Okay!" Liu Ke agreed straight away. Dealing with Xianbei was originally planned, and now there are a few more advantages.

Cao Cao finally breathed a sigh of relief. For him, it was a sudden disaster, and he hated Ke Bineng even more in his heart!

Ke Bi Neng is a silly roe deer, and sooner or later he will make him look good.

At this moment, the situation in Bingzhou is tense.

Speaking of Bingzhou, one has to mention the big bosses of Bingzhou, and the governor of Bingzhou is Liang Xi.

There are many forces in Bingzhou, the biggest of which is Ding Yuan.After Ding Yuan's defeat, Zhang Yan's black bandits were the most famous. Later, Cao Cao used his personality charm and force to oppress Zhang Yan to surrender to the court.

Bingzhou was thus incorporated into Cao Cao's ruling territory.

At that time, Bingzhou had just experienced the war, and the Hu Di foreign tribe was domineering in the state border, and many officials and people defected to the Hu Di tribe.

The Huns and Xianbei often entered Bingzhou to plunder.

In the state, there are even more nobles who support their own troops and continue to invade the places ruled by the imperial court.

It can be described as internal and external troubles.

After Liang Xi took office, he persuaded and induced the local wealthy families with a soft policy, summoned them with courtesy, and recommended them to serve in the shogunate.

With the benefit, the wealthy family restrained themselves.

Liang Xi began a drastic reform, conscripting young men from various families one by one, forcing them to join the imperial army, and to serve as courageous force in the team that is about to go out.

After they set out to fight, they gradually moved their families to Chang'an and Luoyang as hostages.

As for those who resisted and refused to obey the dispatch, they were punished and wiped out by the army, and more than ten thousand people were beheaded.After the combination of grace and power, tens of thousands of people in the state flocked to join.

After solving the internal troubles, Liang Xi began to deal with foreign troubles.

He forced the Xiongnu Shanyu and the kings of various tribes to surrender, and then registered them all as household registers to serve in the state.

This way, of course there are people who are not convinced,

Among them, Yuyan, the leader of the Xianbei tribe, is the most powerful, dissatisfied with Liang Xi's policies, and has been chaotic.

Once, Yuyan led more than [-] riders from his tribe into Bingzhou, and sent envoys to meet Liang Xi, hoping that the two sides could trade with each other at the border.

This is just an excuse. There are not many Xianbei people who can do business honestly.

Liang Xi believed that if he did not listen to his words, he would incur his resentment.

If he is allowed to trade in the state, he is afraid that the Xianbei cavalry will plunder the people.

Therefore, Liang Xi used his plan, held a Hongmen banquet, beheaded Yuyan, and his tribe was in chaos.Liang Xi also supported the leader of Xianbei who was friendly to the Han people, and Bingzhou began to settle down.

The fact that there is no war in the Northwest is due to Liang Xi.

Now, with millions of Xianbei troops entering the country, no matter how capable Liang Xi is, he is still a little bit powerless.

"What do you think?" Liang Xi asked the staff under the tent.

"Lord Inspector, we will shrink the line of defense and ask the King of Wei for support," Wang Ling said.

The identity of this Wang Ling is also not simple, he is Wang Yun's nephew.Unlike Wang Xu, Wang Ling is the real direct descendant of the Wang family.

Situ Wangyun is from Taiyuan, Bingzhou, and the Wang family is a wealthy local family.

After Wang Yun's death, Wang Ling fled back to his hometown Taiyuan and became a hermit for fear of being implicated.

Later, Liang Xi served as the governor of Bingzhou. He heard about Wang Ling's name, so he visited him, asked him to come out to be an official, and reported to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao appointed Wang Ling regardless of previous suspicions.

"This statement is reasonable, but how can we hold on until King Wei's reinforcements arrive?" Liang Xi said worriedly.

Bingzhou in the Han Dynasty was very large, including some areas of Mongolia.

These places are endless, how to defend?

Liang Xi had a headache because of this.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Gritting his teeth, Wang Ling made a suggestion.

"Our army withdrew from the Shuofang area and northern Yanmen."

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