"This..." Liang Xi was shocked.

In Yuanfeng, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, he set up the Bingzhou Governor Department, one of the thirteen prefecture departments, leading nine counties including Taiyuan, Shangdang, Xihe, Yunzhong, Dingxiang, Yanmen, Shuofang, Wuyuan, and Shangjun.

In the period of Cao Cao's rule, Taiyuan, Shangdang, Jianxing, Xihe, Yanmen, Leping, Xinxing and other seven prefectures were governed by Bingzhou, and Jinyang was governed.

In some places, lost.

If Wang Ling's suggestion was followed, the imperial court's control over Bingzhou would only be left in the four counties of Taiyuan County, Shangdang County, Leping County, and Xihe County.There are also parts of Yanmen.

In other places, just give up.

In other words, most of the state was thrown to Ke Bineng.

This proposal made Liang Xi tremble with fear.He is an unknown person, and the reason why he can stand out is because of his good governance of Bingzhou.

Now that he has abandoned so many places, how can he explain to Cao Cao!

"It's a big deal, and I can't make the decision alone."

"Master Inspector, you have to understand that there are only [-] defenders in Bingzhou, even if they stick to one place, they can't stop Ke Bineng's million-strong army. Instead of causing the defenders to suffer heavy losses, it is better to make a decision."

Wang Ling was also a little helpless, but he would not make such a suggestion if he had some hope.

Cao Cao did remind Bingzhou to take strict precautions, and Bingzhou did it.

However, the difference in the number of armies between the two sides is so extreme that it is impossible to resist.

Bingzhou is also sparsely populated. If you want to catch strong men to defend the city, there are no strong men to catch.

The reason why these four counties are kept is because this is a mountainous area with dangerous terrain.

Xianbei are all cavalry, and it is impossible to break through the line of defense.Eighty thousand people stick to one million people, barely able to support.

"Report to King Wei and ask him to make a decision," Liang Xi said.

"Lord Inspector, Xianbei people will not give us time and opportunity." Wang Ling said.

At this moment, Liang Xi couldn't help thinking about it. Could it be that Wang Ling did this on purpose for revenge?

But after thinking about it, they really have no way to resist the army of millions.

"Okay, just do as you said, before the Xianbei people attack, the defenders still have time to retreat."


Considering the overall situation, Wang Ling's approach was not wrong.

However, for the people in other counties, it was a disaster.

Without the help of the defenders, the people everywhere could not resist the Xianbei people, so they could only abandon their families and children and flee for their lives.

Of course, there are also some people whose homeland is hard to leave, who have become the souls of the Xianbei people.

Ke Bi Neng has an army of one million, and he was suffocated in Youzhou, and he was full of anger. Now he finally found an opportunity, so of course he had to vent it.

Wherever you go, grab where you want.Wherever it goes, the killing will be brought there.

"Bingzhou is the real paradise." Suli couldn't help expressing emotion. Since the dispatch of troops, she has been frustrated everywhere, and finally found a sense of accomplishment in Bingzhou.

When the Han people encountered them, they should run as hard as they could, instead of taking up arms to resist.

Youzhou is really different!

"Master Ke Bi Neng, do you have something on your mind?" Su Li found that Ke Bi Neng hadn't said a word, so she asked.

"It's nothing, but Budugen's reaction is a bit strange."

Why are you still raising Budugen?

Suli was a little unhappy, Kebi Neng always wanted to attack Suli, so that he could sit in the orthodox position.

But Su Li didn't want Ke Bi Neng to become bigger, and the two sides had different opinions.

"No matter how you say it, Budugen is also the leader of all Xianbei people. As long as he is not against us, leave him alone."

That's the reason, but Ke Bi Neng can't rest assured.

"Bu Dugen gave way so easily, without mentioning any conditions, which is surprising."

"Haha, we have an army of one million, and Lord Budugen will be afraid. Lord Ke Bineng, I think you lost your spirit in Youzhou, and you don't have the size of a Xianbei."

Speaking of this, Suli was a little disappointed, but also a little fortunate.

It is a good thing that Ke is less timid than Neng.

"No matter what, let's enjoy this feast." Su Li said a little excitedly.

For Xianbei people, iron pots and salt are all trophies!

Wherever they passed, it was like the passing of locusts.

In just seven days, half of Bingzhou was lost!

Not only that, but Ke Bi Neng began to covet the relatively prosperous four counties in Bingzhou.

It has a large population and rich products, which is the essence of Bingzhou.

Ke Bi Neng discussed with Su Li and decided to divide his troops and advance.

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