Su Li was in charge of attacking Yanmen County, while Ke Bineng went to Xinxing County.

When the news reached Youzhou, Cao Cao was furious.

"Damn it, Liang Xi should be executed!"

Lost half of Bingzhou in a blink of an eye!

Cao Cao's heart was bleeding.

It is not easy to expand an inch of land, and now so much is lost.

"My lord, there are only [-] defenders in Bingzhou. Even if Liang Xi has three heads and six arms, he can't resist Ke Bineng's million-strong army." Sima Yi said.

Of course Cao Cao knew about Liang Xi's difficulties, but had Liang Xi considered him?

"Liang Xi is unbearable, our army should immediately dispatch to Bingzhou."

The reason why the army has been slow to move is because the matter of food and grass has not been negotiated.

When Liu Bei, Sun Ce, and Cao Cao sent troops, Liu Ke was very generous, including food and lodging!

All materials are supplied by Yangzhou.

After all, Yangzhou is rich and powerful, so this is nothing.

The problem is that Cao Cao does not have this ability, but let the princes prepare their own food and grass.

Not to mention that Sun Ce and Liu Bei were not prepared at all, and Liu Ke would not agree.

So Cao Cao had no choice but to go to the Yangzhou military camp, to understand him with emotion and to move him with reason.

"Dongyanghou, the people of Bingzhou are in dire straits, I hope you can act in time."

Liu Ke never thought that Cao Cao would be so single!

No matter how you put it, Bingzhou is still a big state, and it is still a border, and its defense force is so weak.

This guy must have deployed all his troops in the Central Plains, and Liu Ke can only say that he deserved it!

"Meng De, it's not that I'm embarrassing you. The food and grass for an army of millions is not a small amount."

Cao Cao agreed to [-]% of the capture, but it was not enough to make up for Liu Ke's loss, after all, the transportation line was so long.

"Dongyanghou, what do you want, I will definitely agree!"

It seems that Cao Cao is really anxious, otherwise he would not have said such a thing.

"Except for Yingchuan County, Yuzhou belongs to me."

Cao Cao was startled, but he didn't expect Liu Ke to say such a thing.

There are only two forces left in Yuzhou now, namely Liu Ke and Cao Cao.

Liu Ke occupied the areas of Runan County and Chen County, and Cao Cao occupied the area of ​​Yingchuan.

Now Liu Ke took advantage of the fire to rob Cao Cao.

I'm about to cry!

"Marquis of Dongyang, the people of Bingzhou..."

"King Wei, it is true that I care about the people, but they are the people under my rule! The other people will only take care of them to the best of their ability. Is this clear enough?"

Cao Cao is helpless!

"Okay, but I have one request, that Ke Bineng must be completely wiped out!"

"Budugen must also be killed! As long as they are Xianbei people, they will all be killed!"

Chapter Nine Hundred and Eight

The reason why Cao Cao fell into such an embarrassing situation was because of Xianbei's attack.

At this moment, he can be said to hate Ke Bineng to the bone.

Must kill them!

Cao Cao was completely ruthless.

Liu Ke was not very happy when he got Cao Cao's promise, and Ke Bineng was always a threat.

"Now that Xianbei divides its troops to attack the two places, let's also divide our troops and start." Liu Ke suggested.

"What's the arrangement for Marquis Dongyang?" Cao Cao asked.

"You and Liu Bei went to Yanmen County, and Sun Ce and I went to Xinxing County." Liu Ke said.

Cao Cao thought about it for a while, and was very concerned about such an arrangement.

Why do I want to be on the same team as Liu Bei, the bird man?

"Liu Xuande is a member of the royal family, and he is just right for the Marquis of Dongyang. It's better for me and Sun Bofu to go to Yanmen."

Liu Ke is speechless, can you find a better reason?

But it doesn't matter to anyone, Liu Ke agreed.

So after joining forces with Tai Shici, Liu Ke marched towards Xinxing County.

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