Since he wanted to be a free fish, Liu Bei didn't bother to think about it.

"Well, let's set off with the cavalry." Liu Ke said.

Therefore, Liu Ke led [-] cavalry to set off first, heading for Xihe County.

The jurisdiction of Xihe County is located in the area along the Yellow River between the two provinces of Shaanxi and Shanxi. It also owns the eastern part of the Ikezhao League of Inner Mongolia and the western part of Shanxi. It has a huge area.

Under the rapid march, it only took five days.

It's a pity that there was a bad news that Xihe County was pacified and had been occupied by Xianbei people.

At this time, the army commanded by Ke Bineng robbed and killed wantonly in Xihe County, and some innocent people died tragically.

"My lord, do you regret it?" Zhuge Liang asked.

If it wasn't for Liu Ke's insistence on Huguan, in terms of time, there should be time for rescue.

"No, I can't risk the lives of the soldiers." Liu Ke said.

Liu Ke has hundreds of thousands of troops under his command, so he has no reason not to think about his own people first.

Although the people in Xihe County are innocent, Liu Ke will never blame himself for it.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"What! How dare he do this!"

Ke Bi Neng was furious.

When he won Bingzhou Xinxing County and Xihe County, it was the time when he was in high spirits.Suddenly, I heard a bad news that Budugen sent troops to cut off the return of millions of Xianbei people.

This guy Bu Dugen, if he doesn't move, he will die, and if he moves, he will be thunderous.

Therefore, Ke Bineng summoned the soldiers overnight.

He was riding on a horse, and the surrounding soldiers held torches, and the flames lit up Ke Bineng's distorted face due to anger.

The hundreds of thousands of Xianbei iron cavalry gathered from all directions, you look at me, I look at you, I don't know what happened, and I am a little confused.

Master Ke Bineng is so angry!

The emotions were almost brewing, and Ke Bi Neng shouted loudly: "My sons! Budugen is as cowardly as a mouse! Usually he dare not provoke our powerful tribe, but when we attacked Bingzhou, he sent troops to cut off our rear .”

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately caused an uproar.

How could Lord Budugen do this!

"Damn Budugen, he is simply a mouse on the prairie, he only knows how to sneak around!"

"Master Ke Bineng, we must teach him a lesson!"

"We are raising the prestige of Xianbei in Bingzhou, and it is really chilling that Bu Dugen did this."


Ke Bi Neng was very relieved to see everyone fighting against each other!

This is the effect he wants.

It is true that Bu Dugen sneaked into his rear, but it was not without benefits for Ke Bineng.

No, Budugen's reputation has fallen to the bottom.

Ke Bineng has long wanted to replace him, and now is a great time.

"Sooner or later, give Budugen some color and let him know that we will always be the strongest!"

"We also want to kill Budugen, snatch their women, children, cattle and sheep, and make them all our slaves!"

Countless Xianbei people's blood boiled when they heard this.

In addition to some pots and pans, and some insignificant gold and silver jewelry, what else can Bingzhou have?

Where there are women, cattle and sheep are good.

"Let them be our slaves!" Countless Xianbei cavalry shouted loudly.

Seeing that the morale of the army was mobilized, Ke Bineng nodded in satisfaction, and then shouted loudly: "Warriors, we can't go back now, we have more important things to do, and that is to attack Bingzhou of the Han people! Without the Han people, where else can Budugen go?"

"Maybe Budugen is colluding with the Han people and wants to kill us." A Xianbei general shouted.

Kebi couldn't help giving a thumbs up, whether it's true or not, in his opinion, Budugen must take the blame!

"Soldiers, follow me to kill Shangdang! Kill the Han people, and then go back and rob Budu's roots!"

"Willing to fight for adults!"

Ke Bi Neng planned a bright future for his subordinates.

One day into the march, a scout suddenly came to report.

"My lord, the cavalry of the Han army is found ahead!"

Ke Bineng said indifferently: "Just destroy it."

In his opinion, Bingzhou is just some weak soldiers who can't resist his army at all.

"My lord, the Han army has more than [-] soldiers, all of whom are cavalry."

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