Now Ke Bi Neng was shocked. It is normal for the Han people to have hundreds of thousands of troops, but there are hundreds of thousands of cavalry. Are you kidding me?

Just in Bingzhou, a place where nothing shits a bird, can there be hundreds of thousands of Han Chinese cavalry?

Suddenly, Ke Bi Neng thought of a possibility.

Could it be that the cavalry from Youzhou came to Bingzhou?

As a Han Chinese, Ke Bi can feel a little incredible.

Youzhou and Bingzhou belong to different vassals, how could they...

But when you think that the princes of the Central Plains can unite, it makes sense to communicate with each other.

"My lord, the Chinese cavalry is moving towards us!"

Ke Bi Neng seemed to feel a deep contempt!

Anyway, Xie Guini and Nengchen Di are not here, and he has an army of [-] at the moment.

With half of the army, you still want to attack his army?

What is overreaching?

Ke Bi Neng decided to teach the Han people a lesson!

Thinking of this, Ke Bi Neng said to Ju Luohou: "You lead a hundred thousand cavalry as the vanguard to attack the enemy's formation, and I will lead the army behind to be your backup and defeat the Han army!"

"Brother, don't worry, we have a large number of people, so we are not afraid of them!" Ju Luohou said loudly.

Yu Zhulian's death is regrettable.But Xianbei people are never pessimistic, and Ju Luohou has long since stepped out of the shadows.

Ju Luohou shouted: "Boys, follow me!"


One hundred thousand Xianbei cavalry followed Ju Luohou and rushed towards the Han cavalry.

The Han Chinese iron cavalry in Xianbei's population is of course the army commanded by Liu Ke. When he found the enemy's large army, the Xianbei marched in disorder, so they took an offensive.

The [-] Yangzhou iron cavalry were divided into three, Liu Ke, Zhao Yun, and Tai Shici each led [-] cavalry, and killed the Xianbei army from the left, middle, and right.

Liu Bei was dumbfounded.

"I didn't expect Marquis Dongyang to be so strong!"

"The Marquis of Dongyang said that when we meet in a narrow road, the brave wins. This is probably the current situation." Guan Yu sighed.

"Then what should we do? Do you want to help?" Liu Bei hesitated.

"Brother, since you are an allied army, how can you refuse to save him." Zhang Fei hummed.

During this period of time, Zhang Fei ate and drank well in the barracks. The drinks were all from Yangzhou and had been bought long ago.

"Brother, you are here, and I can fight with my third brother." Guan Yu said.

Seeing that the two righteous brothers agreed to fight, Liu Bei didn't say anything, and nodded in agreement.

However, as the king of Hanzhong, he should have the support of the king of Hanzhong, and it was no longer his turn to charge forward.

As for Marquis Dongyang...

Liu Bei can only say that different titles do not conspire with each other.

So Guan Yu and Zhang Fei went up with swords and spears, ready to help Liu Ke.

The Yangzhou iron cavalry roared loudly, tens of thousands of sabers chopped down one after another, and countless Xianbei cavalry immediately fell to the ground, blood was everywhere.

Ju Luohou was furious, seeing his subordinates being beheaded by the enemy one after another, he was naturally furious.

Relying on his brute strength, he rampaged through the Yangzhou iron cavalry formation, beheading five or six people, but he caught Lu Bu's attention.

This guy ran away last time, this time he must not be allowed to run away again!

After making up his mind, Lu Bu immediately turned his horse's head and rushed towards Ju Luohou, beheading dozens of Xianbei cavalry along the way.

"Flesh and blood, dare to block me!"

Suddenly, there were bursts of screams from the side, all from the Xianbei people.

Taking a glance from the corner of his eye, Lu Bu saw a general galloping towards him. It was Guan Yu, who seemed to want to snatch his prey.

"Lü Bu is here, who dares to stop him?!"

Lu Bu let out a loud shout, and the horse under his feet seemed to understand his master's intentions, so he couldn't help speeding up.

Before he had traveled far, another general came out and chased Ju Luohou away.

It's Zhang Fei!

Lu Bu was very interested, as if this was an armed contest.

Whoever can capture the head of Ju Luohou is the winner!

Chapter Nine Hundred and Eleven

Xu Chu and Dian Wei must protect Liu Ke and dare not leave lightly.

"My lord, don't go deep."

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