"Brother, don't rush too fast!"

Liu Kewen said that he could only reduce the speed of the horse.To be honest, in his capacity, it's not good to charge forward again, but he just couldn't help it.

Boys should be excited!

Suddenly, Liu Ke heard a shout.

"I am Zhang Yide from Yan, that barbarian hasten to come and die!"

Liu Kexun looked at his reputation and saw Zhang Fei, Guan Yu, and Lu Bu three leading the charge towards the Xianbei Commander Flag.

"Evil, Zhongkang, follow me to win the commander!" Liu Ke suddenly became interested, although it was a step behind the three of them, it didn't matter.

Liu Ke's mount is Mochizuki!

With Shenju under him, Liu Ke quickly broke through the Xianbei line of defense, and caught up to the three of them within a dozen breaths.

"Marquis of Dongyang?"

"My lord?"

All three were shocked.

"How can you be distracted if you win the battle?" Liu Ke reprimanded.

Everyone quickly calmed down and killed the Xianbei people who were blocking them.

Xu Chu and Dian Wei came after them, and the six generals seemed like gods descending from the earth!

"Kill!" "Kill!" "Kill!"

Ju Luohou heard the sound and looked around, only to see six generals rushing forward on horseback, and seeing that they were six enemy generals dressed up, he couldn't help laughing and said:

"If you kill the enemy general, the enemy army will definitely be defeated."

The Xianbei general Suo Nu was a little moved when he heard the words.

"General Zonu, you lead five hundred people to rob and kill these six people. As long as you kill one of them, it will be a great achievement!"

Zonu was waiting for this sentence!

He looked left and right, and finally chose Liu Ke!

Because the other five people seemed to be very vicious, and they were beyond his ability to deal with.

"Look at the knife!"

Suo Nu's machete came with a forceful momentum, but Liu Ke greeted him nonchalantly with his gun.

This general is so arrogant?

Suo Nu was born with brute strength, so he was afraid that the Han generals would fail?

Thinking of this, Zonu did not retreat, but rushed forward urgently.

When the swords and guns intersected, Zonu's face suddenly changed.

Liu Ke looked refined and had the demeanor of a Confucian general, but he didn't expect this spear to contain such a strong force, and his arms were numb immediately.

Liu Ke also found it inconceivable. He had already used three points of his strength. Logically speaking, he should be able to slap this person off his horse, but unexpectedly he was blocked.

"Come again!"

Zonu was furious when he failed to complete the feat with a single blow.

Liu Ke came to assassinate with a whirlwind, and Suo Nu hastily raised his knife to parry, a heavy force made his throat hurt.

Although he didn't have time to check the injury, he could probably judge that the tiger's mouth should have been broken by the knife, and wet blood flowed out.

Without giving Zonu a chance to breathe, the third shot was shot like Mount Tai.

Zonu hastily raised the blade, but the bones in his hands were broken, and the sharp blade fell down and cut on his own neck.

Just die like that!

The surrounding Xianbei cavalry turned pale with fright, and quickly retreated, taking the initiative to make way for Liu Ke.

This man is a god of killing, invincible.

After being blocked by Suo Nu for a while, Lu Bu, Zhang Fei, and Guan Yu had already killed a pack of [-] men and approached Ju Luohou.

Xu Chu and Dian Wei guarded Liu Ke's side and did not leave.In the battlefield, anything can happen, no matter how strong the martial arts are, they cannot relax.

Seeing Suo Nu's death, Ju Luohou finally realized the seriousness of the problem.

These guys are amazing!

Ju Luohou has some force, but not as good as Suo Nu.

As strong as Suo Nu, he was beheaded by three strokes.

If you don't run now, I'm afraid you won't have a chance.

"Go and stop them!"

Ju Luohou ordered, and in the next second, he directly gave up the handsome flag and ran away.

Lu Bu took the lead, but missed, and frantically beheaded Ju Luohou's personal guards.

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