"Where is the thief general?" Zhang Fei also yelled again and again, also losing his target.

Guan Yu's situation is similar.

But Liu Ke was a step slower, but he could see clearly. He drove Lingxi Mochiyue across the crowd and chased Ju Luohou.

"What? Someone is chasing after him?" Ju Luohou turned pale with fright. Seeing that the distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer, he jumped on his horse and mixed into the crowd.

He is short in stature, hiding in the cavalry group, and most people really can't find him.

But Liu Ke's perception was very keen, and when he pushed his spear away from the crowd, he saw Ju Luohou who fled in a panic.

A Xianbei man who gave up his mount in order to escape for his life is also a talent.

Liu Ke caught up with this person within a few breaths and killed him with a single shot.

"The enemy general has been killed by me, why don't you surrender?"

The Xianbei people were in chaos!

In a battle of nearly [-] people, within a quarter of an hour, one side was on the verge of collapse!

Ke Bi Neng felt very incredible. Could it be that his subordinates are all made of mud?

According to his plan, he burst out half an hour later. Not only did he maintain sufficient physical strength, but he also had an advantage in numbers, which could completely defeat the Han army.

At that time, the Han army would not even have the strength to escape.

But what did he see?

Nima's Ju Luohou was defeated in less than a quarter of an hour!

What is this operation?

In a battle of hundreds of thousands of people, there is no day and night, and it is difficult to tell the winner.

But Ju Luohou only took a quarter of an hour, and the horses sprinted for more than this time.

Ke Bineng has always believed that if he understands Han culture, he will become a quiet and beautiful man, but he is often angry.

"Trash, rice bucket!"

However, cursing couldn't change the situation, so Ke Bineng could only enter the arena early and lead an army of [-] Xianbei to charge.


Of course Liu Ke also felt this momentum. He didn't have a reserve army, so he couldn't help falling into a passive position.

However, with the vigor of the vanguard of breaking the enemy, the Yangzhou iron cavalry is fearless.

"Kill them all!"

A simple sentence has aroused countless resonances!

The scene of Liu Kexu killing the enemy general seems to be right in front of his eyes.

The protagonist dares to charge forward, but I am afraid of a ball with mud legs?

Killing two is enough, and killing three is profitable.

As a result, a stunned scene appeared. With the joining of the Xianbei army, the morale of the Yangzhou iron cavalry did not become low, but gradually increased.

All this is the change brought about by Liu Ke leading the charge and beheading the enemy.


In an instant, the sound of shouting and killing shook the sky.

Ke Bi Neng felt that he was relying too much on the advantage of numbers. As soon as he came into contact with him, he felt that he had encountered a group of devils.

He personally shot down two Yangzhou cavalry, but regardless of their injuries, they hugged the horse's legs and were kicked to death abruptly.

But it only caused Kebi to be hindered in his actions. If a Han general came to kill him at this moment, maybe Kebi could feel the threat of death.

However, this also caused huge psychological pressure on Ke Bineng, and he dared not go forward to fight.

This is good luck, what if I get caught next time?

How many times can he have luck?

Ke Bineng chose to wait and see, and saw the scene of his subordinates being massacred.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

If this continues, even if the Xianbei army barely stabilizes the situation and wins.

It will also be a disastrous victory, and the loss is immeasurable.

Those who follow Ke Bineng are all his direct descendants.Others died as soon as they died, it didn't matter, but the direct line suffered heavy losses, and Ke Bi Neng's absolute status was lost!

I knew that Ke Bineng's superior position had killed Fu Luohan, and Xie Guini was Fu Luohan's son.If Kebi can remain strong, Xie Guini will definitely bite back.

Nengchendi is also ambitious, although he has temporarily hidden it, but he definitely has the heart to restore Wuhuan.

Just when Ke Bineng was worried, he discovered that the Han people wanted to break through his army.

Especially after seeing the formation of the Han people, Ke Bineng's eyes lit up, more than a thousand Han soldiers and horses were protecting him to death, and there were two giant generals beside him, he was definitely the commander-in-chief among the Han people!

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