If you can win him, half of the battle will be won.

The battle was fought so suddenly and so inexplicably that Ke Bineng had no information at all.

But it doesn't matter, Ke Bi Neng immediately ordered the army to surround the Han people in the middle who wanted to rush over regardless.

But at this time, another group of Han soldiers came out from the chaotic battlefield and came straight to him. The leader was Zhao Yun.

Ke Bi Neng frowned slightly, raised his hand and waved forward, and five thousand Xianbei cavalry rushed out behind him.

Zhao Yun has fought against foreign races many times and knows them very well. As long as he kills the Xianbei generals on the hillside, the Xianbei army can be defeated.


At this time, only two thousand cavalry and Zhao Yun came out, but Ke Bineng sent five thousand cavalry, and Zhao Yun was quickly blocked.

Zhao Yun wielded a spear in his hand, brave and invincible, swept all the way, and the Xianbei cavalry had no one to fight against.

These five thousand Xianbei cavalry were the elite of Ke Bineng's army, and they were not so easy to deal with. Only Zhao Yun broke out of the encirclement.

On the other side, not to be outdone, Tai Shici led his army to kill.

"Hmph!" Ke Bi Neng saw Tai Shici approaching, his eyes flashed sharply, he waved again, and five thousand horses charged towards Tai Shici.

These cavalrymen are also Ke Bineng's confidantes, and they are also the guarantee for him to live and work. All of them are rare loyal and unswervingly carry out orders.

With a roar, Tai Shici rushed into the enemy group, swung his spear, and kept killing the Xianbei cavalry around him, killing the Xianbei cavalry in fear.

It was too scary, they couldn't hurt Tai Shici at all.

After a while of fighting, Tai Shici broke through the siege, but his subordinates were stopped.

Now it's all right, Zhao Yun and Tai Shici, one on the left and one on the right, are attacking Ke Bineng.

"I didn't expect that among the Han people, there would be hidden dragons and crouching tigers." Ke Bi Neng couldn't help admiring.

Then the middle lane, which he had placed high hopes on, was also killed.

It was Liu Ke who killed the man in the middle and made a good marksmanship.

The three generals who killed Xianbei were all dressed in white and looked majestic at the moment, as if the god of war had appeared in vain.

Fucking ah?

One is more handsome than the other!

Ke Bi can't help being jealous, he is very confident in his subordinates, so he is full of the heart to fight against the three who smashed through the formation of his subordinates.

It's a pity that it's not one against three. If they can be singled out, he doesn't mind giving them a chance.

Then Dian Wei and Xu Chu came out covered in blood, and it was not easy to keep up with Liu Ke.

Zhang Fei, Guan Yu, Lu Bu and other peerless generals also came from everywhere.

The generals were murderous, and they ignored the hundreds of thousands of Xianbei troops around them.

Ke Bineng still has [-] troops left by his side!

But his head always felt chilly, and he felt a little bit unable to keep his head.

Now in the melee, even if Ke Bineng wanted to mobilize the army, he couldn't mobilize it.

Everyone is red-eyed.

"Raise the flag and blow the horn!" Liu Ke ordered.

Then, Liu Ke's commander-in-chief flew high behind the Xianbei army.

Oh oh oh!

The horn of charge sounded!

This is the signal of agreement.

The Yangzhou iron cavalry were all ashamed.

"Damn it, my lord has already wiped out the Xianbei army, and we're still standing still."

"mmp, this old life is gone, I want to follow the lord!"

"Kill all these Xianbei bastards!"

"For the lord!"

Even if it was a little further away, the melodious and rapid sound of the horn could be vaguely heard.

"What did you hear?"

"My lord is calling us ahead!"



Countless Yangzhou cavalry shouted in unison.

The Xianbei cavalry were stunned, what happened, these Han people were like horses in spring.

"I seem to hear the horns of the Han people behind."

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