"Shut up! If something happens to the lord, you are the only one to ask!"

Zhou Yu was so angry that he couldn't listen to it at all.

Wei Yan feels aggrieved, but also knows that now is not the time to argue about this.

"The military division gave me a soldier and horse. If I can't find the lord, I will be punished myself."

Zhou Yu did not refuse, and immediately allocated five thousand troops to Wei Yan.

Wei Yan led five thousand soldiers and horses into the Xianbei camp again.

"Haha...hahaha...have fun!"

Sun Ce looked up, met the fierce eyes who turned over there, and then burst out laughing.

At this moment, he was covered in injuries, and Que Ji was not much better.

"This lunatic! Kill~ kill him for me!"

The surging Xianbei soldiers heard this order, roared hysterically, and approached Sun Ce with their knives.

A pair of knives slashed at Sun Ce crazily, with a bang, the blade hit the iron spear, and there were more such sounds...

The bang bang sounded, and the hand-to-hand combat was only for a moment.

In an instant, more than a dozen Xianbei soldiers were involved in the tip of the gun, and there was a series of popping sounds of flesh and blood splitting.

Seeing Sun Ce's bravery, the Xianbei people were afraid and flinched.

More Xianbei people pushed and shoved behind, and the Xianbei shield hand in front turned red, hissed distortedly, pushed by the huge force behind him, and squeezed madly towards Sun Ce.

The Xianbei people in front did not dare to go up, and the people behind came to help.

Anyway, it was not me who carried the front, and it was not me who died.

Sun Ce swung his whip and whipped it, and it slammed into the flesh and blood. The Xianbei people were so frightened that they quickly covered their shields, and their faces turned red with anger.

"Ha ha!"

Zhang Yang's loud laughter spread across the field.

Wei Yan searched for the sound, and seeing Sun Ce in a tight siege, he hurriedly shouted: "The Lord is in danger, I dare not risk my life!"

The horseshoes tore through the ground with a loud roar, and the Jingzhou cavalry who charged one after another rushed towards them like waves.

During the gallop, Wei Yan yelled fiercely, his long knife whistling in the wind.


Countless Xianbei soldiers fell to the ground.

"My lord! The text chief is here!"

"Block them! You idiots!"

Que Ji subconsciously issued an order to kill Sun Ce. At this critical moment, he was killed by enemy reinforcements.

The thousand or so Xianbei cavalry who had been guarding behind Que Ji immediately turned their horses and charged towards Wei Yan, holding their guns and passing their knives.

As the horseshoe approached, Wei Yan leaned forward with the saber in his hand. The moment the arrow brushed past, the long saber in his hand glowed coldly.

Wherever he passed, countless people fell from their horses mourning.

The Xianbei cavalry with their guns were chopped off and flew out, blood was sprinkled in the air.

"Good time!" Sun Ce's blood was aroused, and he fought with the Xianbei people again.

When the road was opened, Wei Yan shouted:

"My lord, you don't have to entangle with them, just retreat first."

This time Sun Ce was very obedient and rode away.

Wei Yan rescued Sun Ce, but he didn't like to fight, and then left.

Que Ji was furious, the army pressed on, and there was another chase.


Jingzhou soldiers shouted suddenly and rushed from all directions.

"No, it's an ambush!"

Que Ji panicked, not knowing who the enemy was, so he dared not pursue him any further.

The commander-in-chief of this support army is Zhou Yu.


Seeing Sun Ce covered in blood, Zhou Yu hurriedly stepped forward to greet him with concern.

"No problem..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Sun Ce fell from his horse, but fortunately he was surrounded tightly by his personal guards.

"My lord has lost too much blood and needs treatment!"

Seeing Zhou Yu, Sun Ce felt relieved, he let go of his suffocated breath, and passed out.

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