"Bring the lord back to Yanmen."

When everyone rushed to take Sun Ce away, Zhou Yu glanced at Wei Yan, but he didn't know that the latter was also scarred.

"I hope the lord is fine, otherwise you deserve death!"

In the howling cold wind, Wei Yan closed his eyes and fell unconscious.

When the news reached Cao Cao, he immediately ordered the entire army to retreat.

"Sun Bofu is not the Marquis of Dongyang after all. The Marquis of Dongyang charged into battle and never suffered a single injury, alas."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Outside the tent, Zhou Yu paced back and forth anxiously.

"How is the lord, have you woken up yet?"

The military doctor also looked helpless and said:

"The blood has stopped, but the lord has lost too much blood, and he won't be able to wake up for a while."

Hearing this sentence, Zhou Yu couldn't help feeling a little annoyed.

"How long is half an hour?"

The military doctor hesitated.

"Tell the truth." Zhou Yu asked forcefully.

"It could be tomorrow, or it could be a lifetime." The military doctor replied truthfully.


Zhou Yu felt as if the sky had fallen.

For a long time, Sun Ce has always given people the impression of being positive, with no minor illnesses and no major illnesses, leading Jingzhou to prosper.

Zhou Yu couldn't imagine what would happen if Sun Ce fell.

"No matter what method is used, we must save the lord!"

The military doctor nodded. If there was a way, he wouldn't be so distressed.

Some things are really fate.

"Captain, there are many famous doctors in Yangzhou, you might as well ask the Marquis of Dongyang for help."

Zhou Yu thought, yes.After Hua Tuo distributed medicine, Yangzhou became a holy land for doctors.

Although it will take a lot of time to come and go, it is better than doing nothing.

So, he immediately wrote a letter and sent a messenger to deliver it to Liu Ke.

"Military Master, leave this matter to me!" Wei Yan stepped forward.

Compared with Sun Ce, Wei Yan was only slightly injured. He fainted because he was too exhausted, and he would be fine after a night of sleep.

However, because Sun Ce's life and death were uncertain, Zhou Yu never gave Wei Yan a good face.

In order to get Zhou Yu's forgiveness, Wei Yan kept kneeling outside the tent.

"Since we are hiring a famous doctor, it's just right for me to go."

Anyway, Wei Yan is also a general in Jingzhou, so he gave enough face.

"Go and come back quickly. If you lose your promise, you will definitely be killed. If the lord has any troubles, you will pay for it with your life!"

Wei Yan bowed his head and cupped his fists, not daring to refute.

Cao Cao, who had been waiting outside for a long time, also came in and asked, "How is Bo Fu?"

Zhou Yu said with a gloomy expression: "The doctor said it's okay, just rest and recuperate for a while."

"That's good, I'm sorry to say..." Cao Cao exchanged a few words and left.

Three days later, an exhausted Wei Yan arrived in Xihe County.

Liu Ke was preparing to attack Pingding, and he was shocked when he heard about the change in Yanmen.

"Let Wei Yan in."

Wei Yan strode in and explained his purpose.

Liu Ke immediately ordered the best doctors in the army to prepare. During this period, Liu Ke asked about the history of the Yanmen battle.

Liu Bei, who was listening on the sidelines, was overwhelmed after hearing this, and looked at the big man in front of him with admiration.

"General Wei is loyal to protect the lord, it is commendable for his loyalty and bravery!"

When Liu Bei left Xinye and wanted to enter Yizhou, Wei Yan blocked him.

Zhang Fei even fought Wei Yan for this!

Liu Bei knew Wei Yan's bravery very well, and now he heard about his deeds, he loved his talent even more.

"Don't dare to do it, don't dare to do it, now the lord is seriously injured, it's all my fault." Wei Yan said with embarrassment.

"Hehe, why should General Wei blame himself! Cao Mengde is responsible for the end of this battle! What kind of second attack, his lack of ability, put his allies in danger, if he doesn't take the blame, who will?"

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