This sentence knocked Man Luo down, and his momentum was vented.

After all, what Kebi can tell is the truth.

"Haha, you're guilty!" Ke Bi Neng took advantage of the situation and swung his knife again, but Man Luo could only hold on.

Why isn't Lord Budugen here yet?

Man Luo was anxious in his heart. He knew that he was no match for Ke Bineng, so he could only look forward to reinforcements.

"Budugen is as timid as a mouse, he won't come, you should die!" Kebi Neng shouted.

"Impossible!" Manro screamed, showing his flaws.

Ke Bi Neng was not polite and accepted Man Luo's head.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Why don't you support Manro?"

Facing the question from his subordinates, Bu Dugen sneered and said:

"You are not afraid of death, just go, and I will never stop you."

The speaker fell silent.

Budugen has only [-] troops under his command, which is far from Ke Bineng's allied forces. How could he take risks for this!

Therefore, he could only let Manro take charge of the back break, and then left nervously.

"Ke Bineng, I will definitely avenge this revenge!"

Bu Dugen swears viciously.

In the bright sky, the Xianbei cavalry gathered again, and the mighty cavalry spread across the field like ants crossing the border.

The flags and the sound of horseshoes surged, and a huge hunt began to the northwest.

"Bu Dugen can't be allowed to run away, he is familiar with the north! Once he joins the Han people, it will be a big trouble."

Ke Bi Neng insisted on pursuing.

"Okay! Now that you have completely torn your face, don't worry about anything, just do a good job."

Su Li agreed to pursue, but did not beat Bu Dugen to death, and all promises came to naught.

The peaceful tribe in the grassland was broken, and the iron hooves churned and stepped out, shaking the earth like thunder.

These small tribes attached to Budugen were mercilessly slaughtered.

"Kill all the men!"

Countless horseshoes stepped over, and the soil was stained red.

Ke Bi Neng pursued all the way until Budugen's royal court was located.

At first, Bu Dugen thought that Ke Bineng would not be so ruthless, and the royal court had not officially moved.

When he got here, could he continue to run away?

It's no longer possible, unless he doesn't want the whole tribe.

"Ke Bineng, you forced me to do this!"

Budugen gritted his teeth.

At the same time, rows of war horses were pawing the ground with rough air, the Xianbei knights tightened their reins, and Bu Dugen drove out more and more horses under the guard of his own soldiers.

"Warriors, this is our beautiful hometown. Our wives and young children are all here! Ke Bineng is a demon, and he has slaughtered countless people."

"I pity the Xianbei tribe, and I kindly give way to him, but he actually wants to destroy us, warriors, can we agree?"

There was a monstrous sound.


Budugen slowly stretched out his arm to hold the handle of the knife, looked expressionlessly at the direction Kebi was chasing, and said coldly:

"Only by killing Ke Bineng can we protect this land!"

After the words fell, the blade of the saber came out of its sheath with a clang, and it was raised high.

Hundreds of thousands of Xianbei cavalry looked at their king with admiration, their hearts were surging, they flicked the reins, and the horseshoes moved slowly, faster and faster.

Then, at the moment when Bu Dugen's raised blade slashed down, countless horseshoes rolled and launched a roaring charge.

Ke Bi Neng did not expect that Bu Dugen would come back, and his army was in a mess.

Everyone let go of the killing!

It turns out that there are only lambs on the grasslands, and the Han people unknowingly became fierce tigers.

The fight was on the rise, and suddenly I heard the call of the horn.

"Soldiers, Budugen is coming towards us, and he wants to punish us with the soft knife in his hand!"

"It's just a joke, kill this treacherous villain and rob them of their cattle and sheep!"

The two armies collided suddenly in the field!

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