The Xianbei man raised his hand, the arrow left the string, and tens of thousands of black shadows made a buzzing sound, covering the sky and covering the sun, stretching for thousands of feet.

Ke Bi Neng took the lead, roaring, brandishing a broadsword to hold the cutting edge, slashing with his backhand a few times, slashing across the assailant's chest, and the blood splattered with the blade.

"Budugen, do you dare to fight me?"

He forcibly brandished a big knife, tore open a gap, and entered the Budugen army formation. As he galloped, countless figures splashed rain.

Bu Dugen was shocked by Ke Bineng's bravery. How could such a powerful figure be chased and beaten by the Han people?

Could it be that this is the legendary outsider who is an outsider and an insider who is an expert?

"Ke is as brave as a man, you all go together and kill him!"

More than [-] people, a swarm of Chao Ke Bi Neng slammed into it violently, and the chaotic and astonishing shouts of fighting and fighting resounded through the sky.


Ke Bineng opened his mouth, shouted loudly, then turned around and sprinted, a knife was slashing towards him in his sight, he turned around to avoid it, and beheaded him with one knife.

More than twenty people only persisted for a dozen breaths.

"Budugen, come to fight me, you are a coward who will only send his subordinates to die, even the lambs on the grassland look down on you!" Ke Bineng sneered.

Budugen got angry, roared loudly, blew the horn, and thousands of people rushed towards Ke Bineng.

Kebi Neng scolded the coward while running away in despair.

There is no way, my life is at stake.

The horses are galloping and staggering, and Kebi can handle the battlefield with ease.

At this time, both sides are fighting bloody, Budugen's side is to protect their homeland, Ke Bineng's side is more weird, they are venting their grievances!

When fighting the Han people, when they slashed, they would often attack armor and shields. The Han army was full of iron bars, and the weapons equipped by the two sides were completely unequal.

But Budugen's team was different, everyone had the same equipment, and some noble people were only wearing leather armor.

The knife pierced into the flesh, blood spattered.

This is the fight!

The sound of shouting and killing was like overwhelming waves, sweeping across the earth and rushing towards the sky.


Kebi was able to kill dozens of people in a row, which proved his bravery and his unshakable leader status.

In comparison, Su Li's performance paled in comparison. He would only yell at his subordinates to rush forward under the protection of his personal guards.

The grassland worships the strong, and Ke Bineng is undoubtedly the strong.

The war horse under Budugen's seat was impatiently planing its huge hooves, breathing heavily, shaking its mane, and shaking the copper bell under its neck, tinkling.

He regretted it, he shouldn't be greedy to win over Xi Guini, so that Kebi could attack like crazy.

But there is no regret medicine in the world.

Kebineng and Suli's coalition forces are more than twice that of Budugen's. Under such circumstances, they can't last long at all.

The horseshoes rushed forward, and in this chaotic battlefield, Bu Dugen didn't see a chance of winning.

"Ke Bineng, the battle has come to this point, and the casualties will only increase. You and I may as well withdraw our troops separately. I promise you that we will retreat a hundred miles and will never interfere with your retreat!"

Ke Bi Neng grinned grimly. All he could think about now was annexing the roots of Budu to make up for his loss from going south, so how could he easily agree.

Especially after learning that Bu Dugen is just a paper tiger.

"You are dreaming! When you colluded with the Han people, did you ever think about our situation?"

"You are not worthy to be the leader of Xianbei!"

Bu Dugen suddenly realized that Ke Bineng was going to take the opportunity to seize power.For such a person, it is useless to say more compromises, unless he can be defeated.

"You will regret it, Kebineng, you will definitely regret it!"

In the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood, Kebi Neng laughed wildly, brandished his saber, and harvested his life.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Xianbei has always played a disgraceful role in the Northland.

When harvesting grain in Bing and Youzhou, Xianbei often gathered crowds to invade, robbed the grain and women of the two states, and massacred the people of the Han Kingdom.

Due to the civil strife in the Central Plains, the imperial court had no time to look north.

Most of Bingzhou became the pastures of Xianbei and Xiongnu, and Youzhou was the paradise of Wuhuan.

In the Battle of White Wolf Mountain, Liu Ke defeated the allied forces of Wuhuan and the Xiongnu. Wuhuan was almost wiped out, and the Xiongnu surrendered.

Then under Liu Ke's signal, the Xiongnu participated in the Battle of Hexi, but was defeated by Xia Houyuan in one fell swoop, and the main force was wiped out.

So far, the Xiongnu and Wuhuan gradually declined.

However, the northern nation has a characteristic. When a tribe declines, a new tribe will arise.

Xianbei took the opportunity to rise up, filled the gaps left by the Xiongnu and Wuhuan, and rapidly expanded its power.

Objectively speaking, this is the stage that nomads must go through during their own development.

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