I saw that under the command of Liu Ke, hundreds of thousands of Yangzhou troops walked straight towards the rear of Ke Bineng's coalition forces at a relatively neat pace.

Feeling the solemn atmosphere of the decisive battle in the army, Yu Jin had to admit that the Yangzhou Army deserved to be a world-renowned elite division. Just looking at the mentality of these soldiers before the battle, it can be seen.

This is a rather imposing and confident army, defeating one enemy after another.

Ke Bi Neng finally escaped from a battlefield, but fell into a new contest.

He stared solemnly at the Yangzhou iron cavalry approaching slowly, and couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

He didn't even dare to breathe, as if he was afraid that the Han army on the opposite side would kill him in the next moment.

This is no longer a game, if you don't retreat, everything will be lost.

While thinking about it, the neat pace of the Yangzhou iron cavalry began to become chaotic, but it also became hasty, and gradually, it turned into a thunderous roar.

They charged!

"Retreat! The whole army retreats!" Kebi Neng roared heart-piercingly. He should have made a decision earlier, but he was unwilling to fail.

Failure again and again deeply hit his confidence.

Shaking his head, Ke Bi Neng put all the wild thoughts in his mind behind him and cheered up.

Retreat is also a test!

How to get the troops to leave as soon as possible and safely is a question that Ke Bineng needs to consider now.

When the order to retreat was issued, the Xianbei army was divided into three parts like a tide.

One part is Bu Dugen's troops, and the other two groups belong to Su Li and Ke Bineng.

The warplane is here!

Liu Ke pointed forward with five fingers, and shouted sharply: "Yangzhou Army listens to the order, the target is in front of Kebi Neng's army! - Defeat them!"

When he gave the order to kill the enemy, the aura of hundreds of thousands of Yangzhou soldiers suddenly rose.

Ke Bi Neng immediately felt the pressure on his face.

It's not enough just to separate, someone needs to break the heir, otherwise they won't be able to escape!

Ke Bineng waved his hand, and the sound of rumbling horseshoes sounded, and they desperately penetrated into Suli's troops.

"What can Kebi do?!" Su Li was shocked.

Due to the previous scuffle, his subordinates were still in shock, but now Ke Bineng rushed towards him?

So cruel!

Su Li took a step back, and at the same time ordered to flee north.But he suddenly realized that he was behind Ke Bineng.

Seeing the approaching Han army, Su Li's pupils shrank, and he heard countless screams.

Su Li immediately realized his fate, and suddenly lacked momentum, and quickly added: "Flee! Spread out and run away, don't give the Han people a chance!"

One side charged magnificently, while the other ran away exhausted.

After all, the Yangzhou army was faster, and slammed into the back of Suli's army, like a monstrous torrent, instantly making everything around them silent.

Just a face-to-face meeting, Sulibu was overwhelmed and became a victim of Kebineng's escape.

"Changshan Zhao Zilong is here!"

Suli, who was running away, only vaguely heard this sentence, and was stabbed through the back.

The tip of the spear burst out of his chest, and blood dripped.

Su Li only felt a chill all over, and gradually lost his voice.

When the Yangzhou iron cavalry flew past, there were only bloody corpses left on the ground, and there was no standing Xianbei.

Occasionally, some stragglers fled in other directions, like bereaved dogs.

"Advance troops! Advance troops! Chase Ke Bineng!...Avoid Budugen in front and kill from the right side!"

After orders were issued, the Yangzhou iron cavalry turned a blind eye to Budugen's army.

"Haha!" Bu Dugen laughed crazily, he thought he had made the right bet.

After all, the Han people still cared about their feelings and gave him a way out.

"Ke Bineng, you didn't expect that, did you? It's you who deserves to be damned!"

As the battle turned into a chase, Zhang He's heavy cavalry was left behind, and he was troubled at the moment.

Because Liu Ke entrusted him with the task of solving Budugen's army.

"If the enemy flees, we can't catch up at all, what should we do?"

"Leave this matter to me." Pang Tong said seriously, and then went to negotiate with Bu Dugen.

At this time, Budugen's hair was messy, and he hadn't recovered from the battle.

"If you don't want to be an enemy of the big man, get off your horse." Pang Tong said with a serious expression, coupled with his ugly face, really stunned Bu Dugen.

Hearing this order, Bu Dugen hesitated, what does it mean for the Xianbei soldiers to dismount?

"Do you want to resist?" Pang Tong shouted.

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