"Don't dare, soldiers, get off your horse!" Budugen ordered.

Only when Xianbei is on the horse can he advance and attack, and retreat and defend.Bu Dugen was not at all surprised that the Han envoys were worried.

Before the war, he had nearly [-] troops, but now it is less than [-], and everyone is wounded.At this time, it is not appropriate to clash with the Han army!

The moment Pang Tong retreated, Zhang Xi launched an attack!

Bu Dugen raised his eyes, as if he couldn't believe the scene in front of him.

"Quick, get on the horse!"

The Xianbei soldiers mount their horses very quickly, but it is impossible to increase the horse's speed all of a sudden.

This gave Zhang Yun a chance to hit the flesh and blood Xianbei army hard!

Immediately, blood overflowed, and there was a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood on the ground.

The Xianbei people who survived nearby were furious and charged at the heavy cavalry with their swords.

It's nothing more than a mantis' arm as a car!

The brave and fearless Xianbei cavalry, under the massacre of countless Yangzhou troops, rapidly reduced their numbers at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Budugen was frightened and angry, swung the saber in his hand, swung left and right to block, but in the end he couldn't block so many spears stabbing at him, and was stabbed in his right leg by a spear from a Yangzhou soldier.

And the mount under his crotch was even more horrible, being stabbed to death by random guns.

In the desperate situation, Budugen roared, jumped off his horse, swung the long knife in his hand, and forced the surrounding Yangzhou cavalry back.

"You despicable villains, die!"

However, things backfired, and Budugen died without accident.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Pang Tong looked at Bu Dugen's body and said with a sneer:

"What's the use of keeping such a repeated person?"

In this way, the Suli tribe and Budugen tribe have all been wiped out, leaving only the remnants of Kebi who can escape.

Zhao Yun and Tai Shici continued to pursue Ke Bineng's remnant army, while Liu Ke, under the protection of Chen Dao's personal guards, hung behind his own army, watching the progress of chasing Ke Bineng from a distance, while listening to the Battle report of Dugen's death.

"Well done." Liu Ke praised.

Pang Tong felt relieved and withdrew.

Liu Ke has always given people an upright image, but now that Pang Tong "is not tired of cheating", he blackmailed Bu Dugen once, and he is a little worried that Liu Ke will blame him.

The result was completely different, Liu Ke didn't blame him, and rewarded him.

Due to the relentless pursuit of Yangzhou iron cavalry, they attacked Ke Bineng's joint camp for hundreds of miles, forcing Ke Bineng to be unable to reorganize his defense by relying on the obstacles of the camp, so he could only continue to escape.

Ke Bineng went all the way north and fled for dozens of miles, so that the countless supplies left behind were captured by the Yangzhou army.

Although Xianbei is poor, they have livestock!

The millions of cattle and sheep seized have not been counted until now.

Yangzhou lacked almost everything, except for meat and labor.

After leaving all the supplies, Ke Bi Neng took more than [-] remnants and fled all the way north.

As for why he still has so many troops, because Su Li's subordinates also ran with him, including Mi Jia.

"I can't go on like this." Ke Bi Neng said to Mi Jia worriedly on the back of a galloping horse.

"We must separate!"

Mijia was terrified after hearing this, but after thinking about it, it was Ke Bineng who the Han people were chasing, and he had a better chance of surviving if he was separated.

The grassland is so big, as long as you dodge this pursuit, isn't the sky high enough to let the birds fly?

"Okay, I will leave with my personal guard."

But Ke Bineng is not happy, what the hell, you bring your own guards, how many people can there be?

With such a small number of troops, how can they attract the attention of the Han army.

If you can't distract the Han army, what use are you?

"There are dangers everywhere on the prairie, take thirty thousand horses and leave."

Ke Bi Neng seemed very generous at the moment.

The reason why Mi Jia brought fewer troops was because he was worried that Ke Bi Neng would be suspicious and took the initiative to reduce the number of people. He didn't expect Ke Bi Neng to be so stupid, so why be polite to him?

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Ke Bineng, if you can return to the territory alive, I will definitely look forward to you."

Ke Bi Neng laughed three times, as if there was no shadow of failure, and accepted Mi Jia's allegiance.

However, not long after Mijia left, Ke Bineng said to the guard: "Make arrangements and remind the Han people to chase Mijia."

When the army passes through the grassland, although there are no road signs, they will leave traces, and it is not difficult to track them.

As long as the news is spread, "Ke Bineng" will leave with a small number of people, and he will definitely be able to confuse the Han army.

Not long after, Zhao Yun and Tai Shici chased to the fork and began to hesitate.

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