"Where are you chasing?"

There are tens of thousands of horses on one side, and hundreds of thousands of horses on the other side. It can be distinguished from the horseshoe marks, but which side will Kebi be on?

The scouts found a nearby tribe to inquire, and they got a message that Ke Bi Neng went to the northeast, which is the direction with few people.

Zhao Yun almost laughed out loud.

"Why is Zilong laughing?" Tai Shici asked suspiciously.

"How could any random tribe on the grassland know who Kebi Neng is? They also know that Kebi Neng went to the northeast."

After Zhao Yun's explanation, Tai Shici also understood, and couldn't help laughing.

"Zilong, don't be too absolute. Maybe this is Ke Bineng's brilliance. He wants to cover up the truth, making it difficult to distinguish the truth from the truth."

"If Ke Bineng was really so powerful, he wouldn't have ended up like this. Moreover, Ke Bineng is a hero, and he will not give up his troops easily. This is the capital for his comeback. God knows that he has integrated all the Xianbei, and still How many people can be pulled up, this time he must be completely wiped out. Let's go, chase in the direction of the crowd!"

So the Yangzhou army stopped for a while, and continued to pursue due north.

Kebi was furious when he found out that he hadn't shaken off his tail.

"How did you arrange it?"

The personal guard answered [-].

Ke Bi Neng beheaded him with a single blow.

"Idiot! I can't do a little thing well!"

In fact, Ke Bineng didn't know where the problem was, he was just looking for an interface for killing people.

Anyway, the Yangzhou army has caught up, so what's the use of pursuing responsibility.

Ke Bi Neng looked at Neng Chen Di beside him, and his mind was greatly moved.

I have to say, this guy's life is big!

No matter how many times the army is defeated, it will not fall.

"Nengchen Di Shanyu, do you have any good ideas?"

Nengchen was stunned, a little surprised, Ke Bi Neng hardly asked his opinion, and seemed a little flustered at the moment.

"You don't have to worry at all. Mi Jia is just an outsider. You have been with me for so long, don't you understand me?"

"There is a saying among the Han people that a friend in adversity sees the truth, and you and I are true brothers."

After listening to Ke Bineng's words, Nengchendi seemed relieved on the surface, but he was actually more vigilant.

"Master Ke Bi Neng, I am willing to lead the army and attract the attention of the Han army." Neng Chendi simply went all out and took the initiative.

"I'm asking you what you can do. I didn't ask you to do it. You are so...how can I be ashamed."

"Master Ke Bineng, please trust me!"

Therefore, Ke Bi Neng handed over all Wuhuan soldiers and horses to Commander Nengchen Di, about [-] people, and divided the troops again.

This time, Ke Bineng seemed to be aware of his IQ, and stopped doing superfluous things, hoping to deceive the pursuit of the Han army.

There is still a wish, but the reality is too cruel.

Zhao Yun decided whether Kebi would give up the power in his hands, that is, the army.So I continued to pursue the crowded places.

That is to say, Ke Bi Neng successfully arranged for Mi Jia and Neng Chen Di to escape.

Knowing this, Ke Bi Neng was almost pissed off!

"Damn it, why did the Han army keep chasing him so hard?"

"Leave them alone, move forward at full speed, if you don't believe me, you can't get rid of them!"

Facts have proved that it really can't be thrown away.

After the great battle on the grassland, the Yangzhou army seized countless war horses, and allocated three war horses to each person extravagantly.

One person, three horses, almost no rest required!

On the other hand, Ke Bineng claims to eat, drink, and scatter all on horseback, but there is a fatal flaw.

Horses need a rest!

If the war horse keeps moving forward with a heavy load, it is better to use the fastest speed, and it should get down in a few hours.

Ke Bi Neng suddenly thought of a question, if the Han people kept chasing him, even if he returned to the territory, he would not be able to resist!

So he gritted his teeth and changed the marching route, no longer galloping in the direction of the old nest, but galloping aimlessly, just to get rid of the pursuers.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Aren't you welcome to come to the grassland as a guest?"

Chen Deng glanced at the Xianbei tribe in front of him, chuckled, and then his face turned cold.

"I don't welcome you to my house either...but you just want to come, and you don't want to be rude when you come."

Chen Deng got on his horse and gave the final order.

"There is no need for the Xianbei tribe to exist. Those who surrendered were killed. Remember to cast Jingguan. Although it is a little smaller, it can be regarded as completing the mission of the lord."

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