Cao Cao's army screamed, and unknowingly entered the range of the crossbow arrows.


Countless crossbow arrows broke through the air and fell from the sky densely.


Countless screams came from the charging queue of Cao Cao's army, and many people died tragically on the spot.

Le Jin was shocked and angry.

Yangzhou has the most advanced technology, and the use of bows and crossbows is very extensive, and basically all troops can deploy them.

Especially the defenders.

Lu Meng basically didn't need to command, as long as he let the crossbowmen shoot at the place where the crowd was densest, Cao Cao's army would continue to fall.

It's that simple.

When the ladder was erected, Cao Cao's army began to climb and charge.

"Drop the boulder!"

Puff puff!

With the muffled sound, the siege soldiers suddenly had their heads bleeding.

"Damn it!" Le Jin cursed secretly, and after a round of shock, he understood one thing.

Huguan is well prepared!

If we had known this earlier, we might as well launch a surprise attack directly.

Why do you have to do things first and then soldiers?

In just one hour, the first round of attack was frustrated, and Xiahou Dun ordered Ming Jin to withdraw his troops.

"The strength of Huguan is not much worse than that of Sishuiguan. If we attack like this, we won't have any advantage." Xiahou Dun said.

Le Jin, who was in charge of commanding the siege, had a deeper understanding.

"Yes, but there has been no news from the city, so we can't count on it."

Because of this, Xiahou Dun was so worried. While reporting the information here to Cao Cao, he began to attack the city in an orderly manner.

As the number of wells increased, the advantage of Cao Cao's large number of troops came into play.

The two sides shot at each other and suppressed each other.

The winner cannot be determined in a short time.

"If you don't hurry up, my reinforcements are coming." Lu Meng said.

Even knowing this, Xiahoudun had no choice but to wear down the defenders gradually.

On the third day, Lv Meng did something unexpected. He personally commanded [-] troops and attacked Xiahou Dun's camp at night.

The camp was strong, but Lu Meng did not succeed, but before leaving, he set off a fire, which burned a third of Cao Cao's supplies.

But Xiahou Dun was so angry that he was half dead, so he came to the city to fight in person.

"Lu Meng, if you are a general, come and fight me to the death!"

"It's true that I'm a general, but I'm definitely smarter than you, so just wait for failure!"

Lu Meng's words were a bit arrogant, but he had absolute confidence in Liu Ke.

Hundreds of thousands of Yangzhou troops are still in Bingzhou!

When Cao Cao decided to attack Huguan, did he ever think about what it would be like for hundreds of thousands of Yangzhou troops to run away?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"News from Huguan, Cao Cao really couldn't hold back, and made a move."

Liu Ke declared solemnly, even if it was expected.

When marching and fighting, the most feared thing is the lone army!

"My lord, the most urgent task is to determine which side Liu Bei will stand on." Zhuge Liang said.

This is a battle between Liu Ke and Cao Cao. Liu Bei is an old fox and usually won't intervene.

But if he has the heart to seize the world, he will definitely unite Cao Cao and Liu Ke as enemies.

Because a single prince is not Liu Ke's opponent at all.

"We are not afraid of the frontal enemy, but we are afraid of someone stabbing us in the back. Liu Xuande looks like a stabbing person. If you look at Liu Zhang of the same clan, he can do anything." Dian Wei said.

"We might as well act first and destroy Liu Bei first! Anyway, sooner or later we will be hostile," Lu Bu said.

It seems that Liu Bei's character is indeed not very good.

Bad reputation!

Liu Ke smiled, and said: "We are still allies with Liu Bei now, and trade attacks are contrary to our position. No matter what motive Liu Xuande has, this time he did come north to help expel Xianbei."

For this reason, Liu Ke would not sneak attack Liu Bei.

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