In fact, Liu Ke didn't really want to fight Cao Cao at this time, because it would affect his title of king.

"My lord, the most urgent thing is to become the king. It won't be too late to deal with Cao Cao after the dust settles."

Pang Tong and Liu Ke had the same opinion.

Liu Ke's current power has reached its peak, and everyone in the Central Plains is talking about breaking Xianbei's millions.

This is the best time to become a king, if you miss it, it will not be so lively.

Is it possible that in the future, he will still be as popular as Liu Bei?

"My lord, you might as well send an envoy to stop the war with Cao Cao." Pang Tong suggested.

"Cao Cao's attack on Huguan was to seize the initiative and force us. If you want to change Cao Cao's mind, ordinary envoys don't have the ability." Zhuge Liang said.

"Someone is willing to go!" Pang Tong volunteered.

It's a pity that Liu Ke would not agree, because Cao Cao would not compromise unless he hit a wall!

Because, pressure must be applied first, and then emissaries are sent, which will get twice the result with half the effort.

"Don't worry Shi Yuan, you go to Liu Bei's barracks and stabilize Liu Bei first." Liu Ke said.

Pang Tong nodded.

"Then the army moved out and headed for Miansheng in Yanmen County."

Regarding this move, everyone looked strange.

But it quickly figured out that Liu didn't go to face the saint before because the Xianbei threat was imminent and there were not many soldiers to mobilize.

Now Liu Ke directly leads an army of hundreds of thousands to see what Cao Cao has to say!

"That's a good idea!" Zhuge Liang said.

The princes are greedy and believe in force!

Only in the face of a deadly threat will they put away their greed.

Liu Ke and Cao Cao are no exception.

Therefore, Pang Tong took the lead in meeting Liu Bei and introduced the current situation.

To be honest, Liu Bei was really taken aback. Cao Cao did it quietly?

A little fat!

However, Liu Bei quickly understood Cao Cao's helplessness. If he didn't take advantage of his advantage, would he have to wait for the Marquis of Dongyang to come to his door?

Uh... Bingzhou is also Cao Cao's territory, and it has been directly hit the hinterland.

"I wonder what the King of Hanzhong thinks?" Pang Tong asked directly.

Liu Bei is a fine human being, and neither side is easy to offend.So he turned to Fazheng, hoping that he could give a suggestion that would be the best of both worlds.

Fazheng whispered to Liu Bei: "We are guest troops, don't get involved in the struggle between Dongyang Hou and Cao Cao. Otherwise, how can we return to Yizhou?"

When Liu Bei heard it, he knew it well.

Fazheng is right!

The main roads are in the hands of Cao Cao and Dongyang Hou, and Liu Bei can't fly back.

There have been too many changes, so he can only choose to wait and see, otherwise he will not be able to go back if he is hated by one party.

As everyone knows, if Liu Bei does not send troops, it is tantamount to offending Cao Cao.In Cao Cao's view, for the sake of the overall situation, Liu Bei should of course help him.

After receiving Liu Bei's reply, Pang Tong left contentedly.

Liu Bei was also very sensible, and moved out of the camp voluntarily, hundreds of miles away from the Yangzhou army.

This is good for both parties!

Three days later, Liu Ke commanded hundreds of thousands of Yangzhou troops and came to Yanmen County, which surprised Cao Cao.

He had just started coveting Huguan, but Dongyang Hou noticed it.And respond violently!

Cao Cao felt guilty.

At this moment, there are about [-] defenders in Yanmen County, and there is no problem in sticking to it.

But Cao Cao has a natural fear of Liu Ke.

Liu Ke came to Yanmen Pass and shouted: "Let Cao Cao come out and meet me."

"Marquis Dongyang, what are you doing in Yanmen County?" Cao Cao pretended to be authentic.

"Didn't you ask me to come?" Liu Ke said.

Cao Cao was a little puzzled, when did it happen?

Oh, when Xianbei was not broken.

But Xianbei has been defeated, why are you still here?

"Dongyanghou, you go to the city alone, we two brothers, let's have a good get together."

"You open the city gate." Liu Ke said.

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