"Which army are you from?"

"Yecheng garrison? Do you have documents?"

Beside the flaming flames, Liu Ke suddenly stopped speaking, stood up with a sword in his hand, and strode towards the outside of the tent, looking at the white and black night, restless.

There were footsteps coming, and the next second, the footsteps stopped abruptly.

"Who is it?" Liu Keyin asked.


The sound of breaking through the air was sudden.

Liu Ke knew that this was the sound of bowstrings, a sharp arrow whizzed towards it at an unrecognizable speed, as if accompanied by the sound of wind and thunder, it tore the silence in an instant.

Outside the tent, Liu Ke tilted his head subconsciously, and an arrow flashed past.

Chen Dao, who heard the sound, just glanced at it, and his pores were almost tightened to the extreme.

"Enemy attack, protect the lord!"

Immediately afterwards, the footsteps ahead became hurried.

In Liu Ke's field of vision, something slashed out, and the light of the knife pierced into his sight.


Swords intersect.

Arouse the sparks to splatter.

A burly figure appeared in front of his eyes, and his shadow blasted towards him in a straight line like a cannonball.

Liu Ke suddenly exerted force, pushing the burly man back in the direction he came from.

The bright bonfire was swayed and flickered by the strong wind.

Together with Liu Ke's Longquan sword, a bloody light came out.

The burly man, who had lost his strength, collapsed on the snowy ground, and blood gushed out, staining the ground red.

To the end of his life, he couldn't figure out why his strength was so weak.

There's such a big difference between the two!

Suddenly, another strong man with a hammer came out of the night.

He staggered his steps, and the hammer came crashing down.

Bang bang bang!

Liu Ke held the Longquan sword in his hand and blocked it with the blade, and the crisp sound resounded instantly in the world.

The flames flickered, and the two fighting figures collided violently, one bright and the other dark, and the hammer was swung to the limit.

With a scream, the hammer fell to the ground and fell deeply into the snow.


There was a loud fight in the camp.

Chen Dao figured out the situation in a short period of time.

"My lord, the enemy is coming fiercely. There are about [-] people! More than half of them have been lost, and they will be resolved soon."

"Stay alive."

"As ordered!"

A mere three hundred people dared to attack Liu Ke's heavily guarded camp.

A quarter of an hour later, Tian Chou led the brigade to fight, and the sound of fighting gradually weakened.

Chapter Nine Hundred and Ninety Eight Ending

"The enemy has caught it!" Tian Chouhui reported.

Liu Ke heard the words, heaved a sigh of relief, and said: "Strict interrogation, we must ask the mastermind behind the scenes."

"Obey!" Tian Chou clasped his fists and said.

Suddenly, a civilian from the isolation camp rushed out, but was knocked down immediately.

"Could it be an assassin who trespassed on Dongyang King's camp?"

The commoner shook his head quickly and said: "No, no, I have something to report to King Dongyang!"

"Just you, what can you do?"

The soldiers were just about to arrest him and interrogate him together.

Tian Chou rushed over and said, "What's going on?"

"My lord, I am Zhou Ning. I am a scholar!"

The people of Ming Dynasty frowned and said bluntly: "General Tian, ​​the refugees we took in today... look at me wrong!"

Tian Chou was stunned for a moment, and said in doubt: "Why is it wrong?"

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