Perhaps it was the word scholar who played a role. Tian Chou was willing to listen to Zhou Ning's continued explanation, and gave him a certain amount of trust.

Seeing Zhou Ning cupping his fists, as a thank you for Tian Chou's trust, he said in a deep voice: "These days, General Tian has been responsible for the resettlement of refugees, and he should know more about some of them. Previously, near Yecheng Although they are a little uneasy, they are never worried that the soldiers will harm them... and these refugees, they are too frightened..."

"It's not surprising." Tian Chou explained, "In order to protect the people of Jizhou, Governor Chen also ordered to shoot some refugees."

After finishing speaking, Tian Chou coughed, a little embarrassed, after all, it is inappropriate to mention such a thing on such an occasion.

Liu Ke didn't care, he was worried that Chen Qun was too soft-hearted.

It is still necessary to kill the chickens to warn the monkeys, otherwise the refugees in Bingzhou would have lost control long ago.

"No." Zhou Ning shook his head and refuted Tian Chou's words: "At that time, I felt that the situation was not right, so I found a few leaders and asked them about the situation. There must be something strange."

"Moreover, they are all strong men, in good health, and they don't look like they are sick."

This aroused Tian Chou's suspicion. He wondered for a moment, then frowned and asked, "Are you worried that there are assassins hidden in it?"

Hearing this, Zhou Ning's eyes flashed a trace of complex color, and his tone sighed authentically:

"I wasn't sure at the beginning, but now I'm pretty close!"

As soon as these people arrived, King Dongyang's camp was under attack!

If there is no ghost in it, Zhou Ning will not believe it.

Tian Chou took a deep look at Zhou Ning, and saw that his eyes were frank without flickering, so he knew that this person really had good intentions.

It's just that, arresting refugees by hand, wouldn't this ruin the positive image they had worked so hard to create before?

If the news spreads, will any refugees accept the quarantine obediently?

Thinking of this, Tian Chou sternly said to Zhou Ning: "Don't publicize this matter, I will ask the Lord to decide on this."

Tian Chou clasped his fists and left.

Seeing this, Zhou Ning sighed slightly, and didn't say anything more. All he could do was report it.

As for the result, he couldn't worry about it.

Tian Chou repeated Zhou Ning's words.

After thinking for a while, Tian Chou said again: "My lord, we must take precautions against those refugees! Or please order that the general arrest them."

Hearing this, Liu Ke smiled slightly, reached out for the jug, and poured Tian Chou a glass.

Tian Chou felt flattered.

Liu Ke went on to say: "For this matter, there is General Lao."

These words were exactly what Tian Chou wanted, so he immediately clasped his fists and said solemnly: "Obey!"

After drinking the wine in the cup, Tian Chou immediately led his troops to arrest the "assassins" one by one.

Now that their identities are unknown, Tian Chou can only treat them as assassins.

One of the incidents made Tian Chou identify the assassin even more.

A group of people gathered together secretly. One of them took out a piece of white cloth from nowhere and spread it out. It turned out to be Liu Ke's portrait.

The brazier inside the house was burning fiercely.

The wood for heating was cut down by the Jizhou defenders.

With the help of the light from the brazier, one could see that each of these strong men had sharp eyes.

How could it be ordinary civilians.

They are professional assassins, not those reckless commandos.In order to deceive others, this group of people did not carry those swords.

Too conspicuous.

They only carry a dagger, only the length of a finger, but this dagger is very sharp, and it is no problem at all to kill people.

Just as Tian Chou was about to make a move to take them all at once, they keenly discovered the unusualness.

There seem to be a lot of guards patrolling tonight, a little too frequently.

"No, I was discovered, and each ran for his life!"

Unfortunately, they underestimated the Jizhou defenders.

After some fighting, these people were strangled one after another.

Now, Tian Chou was completely worried about the new refugees.

He immediately gathered these people together, a total of thousands of people.

Tian Chou didn't talk nonsense. After the village chiefs, village chiefs, and leaders gathered, he ordered the soldiers to throw dozens of corpses in front of them.

"General...what are you doing?" There was an old man who seemed to be sixty years old, looking at the corpse thrown in front of him in horror, his face was pale.

Tian Chou sneered, and said: "These people stormed Dongyang King's camp, trying to assassinate Dongyang King. Don't you plan to give this general an explanation?"

what!How could someone be so insane!

That was the assassination of King Dongyang, such a serious crime...

"Excuse...explain what?" the old man asked in a daze.

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