Chen Dao waited for the guards to finally react, and immediately captured the two of them. Just as they were about to tie them up, they suddenly discovered that they had already taken poison and died.

Thousands of people rioted!

In fact, these two people were also bitter. If Liu Ke had not suddenly offered a reward, they would not have taken the risk and assassinated without preparation.

There is no way, the human heart cannot stand the test!

Under the fearful and uneasy attention of countless refugees, Liu Ke still had a gentle smile on his face.

"Who else wants to assassinate?"

The refugees immediately fell silent, not daring to speak loudly, even daring to discuss, for fear of being considered an assassin.

Looking at the Dongyang King in front of him, many refugees and soldiers here were dumbfounded.

Dongyang King has rarely made a move, but he is worthy of being the world's number one fierce general!

Ordinary assassins couldn't get close at all.

With a big wave of Liu Ke's hand, he motioned for the dismissal of the refugees, and the soldiers withdrew.

But doomed to sleep tonight.

"Check! Check hard!" Chen Dao said with a grim expression.

Liu Ke was assassinated right under his nose, but his actions were even slower than Liu Ke's.

Only by finding out the mastermind behind the scenes can we wash away our incompetence!

Therefore, Tian Chou, Chen Qun, and Chen Dao stayed up all night to interrogate the captured assassins.

After one night, there is almost no gain.

These people are doing things with money.

Naturally, Tian Chou didn't believe it.

"If it's an ordinary employment relationship, in Ye City, there is no such power, but we don't know it. There must be a family covering them, or they are the family's private soldiers!"

Speaking of private soldiers, Liu Ke set off a bloody storm in Jizhou.

The affair ended in failure for the family.

However, what if some aristocratic families use special means to disperse private soldiers to raise them?

The government can't control it!

Because of the big family, it is impossible to have no servants.

"This matter still needs to start from Yecheng." Tian Chou said.

Therefore, Tian Chou ordered the blockade of Yecheng.

Anyway, the plague is rampant, and the blockade is no big deal.

Then it is to check one by one to see which population has been lost during this period.

Hundreds of people, always want to eat and drink, right?

Always have to stay?

This leaves a mark.

However, Chen Qun and Chen Dao continued to interrogate the prisoners and began to use instruments of torture.

In the interrogation tent, there were screams from time to time.

When Ye City was blocked, the Wei family was terrified!

Especially Wei Xi, because everything was planned and arranged by him.

But Dongyang King had nothing to do, but his manpower suffered heavy losses.

The Wei family had spies in the city guards, so they were able to get accurate information.

The assassination failed!

Wei Xi hurriedly reported to his father Wei Zhong.

"Confused, can't you bear it any longer? Raiding Dongyang King's camp, you can think of such a move!"

Wei Zhong yelled and slapped Wei Xi on the head.

Wei Xi felt the pain and looked at his father with aggrieved eyes.

"Are your hands and feet clean?"

"Father, don't worry, they won't be able to suspect us in a short time."

"What about later?"

"It's impossible in the future, unless I report myself!"

Wei Zhong finally breathed a sigh of relief, but he was still worried about his son's arrangement.

"Some time ago, my father had already sold some of his family property, so we couldn't keep Yecheng, so we had to make plans early. When the blockade is over, you will leave with your money and go to Chang'an."

"Father, what about you?"

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