"Hehe, if you can have this kind of intention, being a father is already enough. There must be someone in charge of the Wei family, otherwise wouldn't it be a guilty conscience?"

However, Sima Yi's mission was not completed, so what can he do in Chang'an?

Wei Xi really wanted to ask a question, but finally gave up.Anyway, with his talent, he will succeed sooner or later!

Just as Wei Xi was packing his luggage, Tian Chou led his troops directly to the door.

Wei Zhong greeted Tian Chou while sending someone to secretly send Wei Xi away.

"I don't know if your lord is here, what's your business?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Our Wei family is kind and we have never done anything illegal or criminal!" Wei Zhong yelled.

It's a pity that the officers and soldiers who rushed in couldn't reason with him.

Tian Chou found out one thing. These young men all came from Wei's shop.

Chen Qun also interrogated some situations. After summarizing, Tian Chou decided to cut the mess quickly.

Take down the Wei family first!

So there was the previous scene.

"Check! Let me search it carefully!" Tian Chou ordered.

In the end, Tian Chou really found something.

Letters from Wei Xi contacting the imperial court!

Wei Zhong fainted directly, and scolded his idiot son, this kind of evidence was actually left behind!

But Wei Xi was also wronged, who would have thought that the officers and soldiers would come so quickly and directly search the Wei family.

After all, the Wei family is very powerful in the one-acre-three-point land in Yecheng.

In the garden, the city guards raised their feet and pushed Wei Xi's family members down in the first row.

They probably knew what was going to happen, they stood close together, and the women and children cried miserably among them.

Some wanted to get up, but were pushed down by the supervising soldiers.They begged bitterly...

It's a pity that everyone is unmoved.

"Wei Zhong, can you plead guilty?" Tian Chou asked aggressively.

Wei Zhong let out a long sigh, his beard and hair graying.He knew that the Wei family was finished.

"Women and children are innocent, please forgive me!"

"It's a joke, let's make a difference? This is a serious crime to assassinate King Dongyang. Tell me, where is Wei Xi!"

As soon as this was mentioned, Wei Zhong fell silent.

Wei Xi is the last hope of the Wei family, and nothing happens to him.

"Since you don't want to say it, don't blame the general for being ruthless!"

"Yecheng is so big, do you think he can leave the city?"

Under Tian Chou's order, Wei Xi's arrest warrant was posted in Yecheng.

Wei Xi's charges were clearly written on it!

Whoever dares to hide it privately will be guilty of the same crime.

The people of Yecheng directly fried the pot.

King Dongyang is such a good person, yet someone assassinated him!

There was a plague in Yecheng, and the king of Dongyang traveled thousands of miles to come here just to share weal and woe with the people of Yecheng.

How could the people of Yecheng forget such kindness!

So, under the guidance of Tian Chou, they all started to act, searching for strangers nearby.

The Wei family has a big business, so there must be some secret property, and it was hidden by Wei Xie all of a sudden.

Tian Chou immediately issued a notice: If Wei Xi surrendered within three days, the women and children of the Wei family would be dealt with lightly, if not, they would be sent directly to Pingzhou!

Pingzhou is Liaodong.

Since Gongsundu, and after Chen Deng has governed for a period of time, Pingzhou has indeed improved.

But fundamentally, it is still a barren land with vast land and few people, where alien races are rampant.

Three days later, Wei Xi did not show up.

Tian Chou made up his mind and ordered Wei Xi's relatives to be killed.

"No! No! My lord, spare me!"

Heart-piercing cries sounded, and a bound woman suddenly knelt on the ground, eyes widening.

There were tears streaming down, both grief and resentment.

The small headless corpse on the ground was her son.

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