The Chishui army also needs supplies, and the establishment of supply lines can keep the soldiers in combat.

Daifang County is not close to Tsushima, separated by Baekje and many islands.

Gan Ning's transport fleet was about to pass by. Could it be that Baekje dared to stop it?

Even if you dare, you don't have the ability.

So this route is still very safe, enough to serve as a supply point.

At this time, Gan Ning was on the spot with three boats, and he sneered at the "army" of Ma Guo who was screaming on the shore.

To say it is the army really flatters them too much.

It was nothing more than a group of peasants with hoes, less than a thousand in number. Occasionally, you could see a few gorgeously dressed samurai holding samurai swords, looking majestic.

Their bravery comes from ignorance!

"General Gan, these mobs can be wiped out with a single strike." Zhou Buyi clasped his fists and said eagerly.

Gan Ning shook his head and said, "Have you forgotten what I said? Don't underestimate them. Only when the enemy becomes a corpse can you relax."

"Let General Ding land on a detour, and I'll give him the strength of two ships to get rid of these unsightly guys as soon as possible."

The arrow flew across the sky and nailed the Tsushima man fiercely, spattering blood everywhere.

The arrows shot from the big ship made them, who were screaming, clearly realize that this was definitely not the great "national war" they had experienced before.

That is an army stronger than Yamatai!

The Tsushima soldier who was wounded by the arrow staggered back, stepped on a dead body and fell to the ground.


With a roar, Ding Feng led [-] soldiers to kill them, and took advantage of the chaos of the enemy to harvest them mercilessly.

In sight, the blade fell, and the head rolled away on the ground.

The samurai in Tsushima Kingdom cheered up their morale and tried their best to stop the fleeing crowd, but unfortunately it didn't work at all.

The clanging of weapons, the cries of fighting intertwined with blood, continuously sounded and splashed on this beach.

The warrior roared and raised his shield to attack Ding Fengjun, trying to awaken the courage of his subordinates with his bravery.

A feathered arrow hummed and nailed to the wooden shield, and the figure who raised the shield and charged paused.

Rows of Yangzhou soldiers around him screamed and rushed over.

The warrior's arms trembled, and his shield drooped slightly.

Ding Feng was drenched in blood, and he kept giving orders, and only the words "stop them" could be heard amidst the noise.

Then, holding a sword in both hands, he slashed at the samurai holding a shield.

The beach is densely packed with figures of fighting.

There were only about [-] peasant soldiers left in Tsushima. After being ambushed, they were defeated immediately and retreated steadily, unable to organize resistance at all.

On the battlefield, hundreds of peasant soldiers began to surrender.

However, at this moment, Beigou appeared with reinforcements.

Beigou is noble and prominent here, and he has never experienced failure. The fiasco at this moment has made him lose face. With only this small number of enemies, what are you afraid of?

Beigou rode on a war horse, brandishing a treasured sword and kept making people rush up, shouting: "Who dares to run?"

The fleeing peasant soldiers in ragged clothes stopped.

The reinforcements brought by Beigou were not many, only fifty people.

However, all of these fifty people are warriors!

In Yamatai, those who can be called warriors are regular soldiers.Of course, among the samurai there are also those with high strength in force, who can be a corps leader.

Among the crowd, the samurai who blocked Ding Feng was cut in two.

Ding Feng rushed out on blood, swung his knife again, and cut down another warrior again. His voice also roared out at this moment: "The enemies are all local chickens and dogs. Hurry up and destroy them. Don't let General Gan laugh at you!" !"

The majestic sound exploded like thunder, and the sailors who were fighting around were excited, fighting hard and moving forward.


"Baga!" Beigou saw that the morale of his subordinates was shaken, raised his sword, and saw Ding Feng's murderous spirit, his arms dropped again.

Seeing the gazes of the peasant soldiers around, Beigou panicked and said, "Kill! Kill an enemy, reward a set of armor, and give you the status of a warrior!"

You know, there is a strict hierarchy in Malaysia.A farmer will always be a farmer, a slave will always be a slave, and there is almost no day of recovery.

The samurai here, equivalent to the "knights" in the western world, are territorial.

So, the peasant soldiers turned red-eyed and turned towards Ding Feng with murmurs.

In the chaotic fight, Beigou began to retreat with difficulty, because he found that even if fifty noble warriors joined, they were no match for this army at all.

Blood and life, mourning and wailing, all the way to the rout.

Everything became quiet.

After night fell, the restless barracks became unprecedentedly quiet.

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