This is the temporary camp established by Ding Feng on the shore.

The dim lights swayed in the tent, illuminating the figures sitting upright, and the tent was full of murderous aura.

The silent crowd also appeared silent and depressed, because Gan Ning was very dissatisfied and was pouring out his anger.

"Is this the end?"

"General Ding, you and I have worked together for many years, so you should know my combat style."

Gan Ning's footsteps echoed in the tent.

"Are you satisfied just by defeating the enemy's vanguard?"

"Is the camp here safe?"

"When our army goes to Yamatai, can you guarantee that Beigou will not make trouble again?"

The lieutenant generals who were sitting upright all stood up in unison, their armor rattling softly, looking fiercely at Gan Ning who was walking back and forth in front of him.

"Tsushima must be completely resolved, not just crushed. It is meaningless to defeat them. They can make a comeback." Gan Ning sternly said.

"The general will understand!" Ding Feng said loudly.

"You really understand?" Gan Ning asked in disbelief.

"The last general has dispatched the most elite scouts to find out where the fortress of Tsushima is located." Ding Feng said.

Seeing that Ding Feng was prepared, Gan Ning felt relieved.

"That's what should have been done tonight."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Gan Ning said tonight, even if Ding Feng was not prepared, he had to act tonight!

This is the rule of the Chishui Army and the executive power of the Chishui Army.

Although Ding Feng became the commander-in-chief of the Bohai Fleet, he has almost no sense of presence.Compared with the Chishui Army commanded by Gan Ning, it was overshadowed.

After the meeting ended, Zhou Buyi asked, "General Gan, are you being too harsh on General Ding?"

"I'm not good at doing things, how can I have an excuse?" Gan Ning said indifferently.

"Night attack is not a trivial matter. If you are not familiar with the place, you may be ambushed by the enemy." Zhou Buyi said cautiously.

"Our army has the most elite scouts. Even in a confrontation, Tsushima will not be able to fight us with any strength." Gan Ning said confidently.

Zhou Buyi stopped talking.

In the silence of the night, there was movement in the temporary camp. Groups of Chishui troops holding torches left the camp and rushed towards the open area of ​​the beach to gather.

In the flickering flames, there was the sound of armor colliding behind him. This was the posture before the battle.

A bright bonfire sprang up, beeping, beeping and burning.

At the front of the queue, Ding Feng put down the machete and said, "Ready to fight..."

The soldiers below were all gearing up, their weapons clanging, there was a light sound, and then there was a neat sound, and the atmosphere suddenly rose to awe-inspiring killing.


After a while, Gan Ning glanced at the crowd with serious eyes, and said calmly:

"Just today, we defeated the army of thousands of people in Tsushima. Many of you must be proud of this record. After all, there are not many victories in ancient and modern times. You have won two with one enemy. Perhaps It's worth bragging about for a lifetime."

"But who are they? Just a group of farmers with hoes, no armor, no command, such an enemy is a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered, not our all-in-one enemy. Therefore, we have nothing to be proud of!"

"Besides, the enemy's commander, Beigou, is still running away! So, I won't give you any credit, unless we destroy their city walls and kill all the men to ensure our waterway!"

After hearing Gan Ning's words, there were whispers below, Gan Ning frowned, and Ding Feng, who was standing beside him, raised his machete and smashed it on the ground suddenly.

With a bang, the world was silent.

"What's the noise!"

The soldiers' words stopped abruptly, and they looked at the two generals ahead.

Everyone came out to hang out, just for military merit.

Gan Ning is the commander of the Chishui Army, not the Bohai Fleet, so some people naturally disagree.

"General Gan is the supreme commander in this battle, his words are more effective than mine." Ding Feng said.

After everyone accepted this fact, Ding Feng continued: "What's more, with those bastards, how could they be our opponents, isn't it just to destroy the city? Just do it!"

The flames were burning.

The soldiers showed fierceness, and some clenched their fists and pondered.

"Then everyone!"

With his back turned to the crowd, Gan Ning's words came out of his throat in a low voice and raised his voice: "Tonight, we will go to war and slaughter Tsushima! Let them taste what despair is."

Thousands of figures stood up suddenly, raised their weapons and roared in unison, the flames were shaken by the shock.


After giving the order, Ding Feng set off with his troops and went straight to the fortified city of Tsushima.

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