Faced with the threat of the Han army, the Yamatai Kingdom firmly controlled Hakata Town.

Since Himyue died in battle, Nan Shengmi became the backbone of all work.

But he was not at ease at all, and continued to strengthen the defenses of Bodo Town, turning the built town into a strong fortress to stop the conquest of the Han people.

Inoue, the town guard of Hakata, boasted about Nan Shengmi, and the Hakata town they jointly built was strong enough to withstand the attack of a [-] Han army.

And now, Inoue's test came.

Knowing that the Chinese navy is powerful, Inoue simply didn't make any interception in the Hakata waters.

Their small fishing boats still need to be kept for fishing.

Once it is destroyed, he must feel distressed to death.

Of course, there is also an order that it is difficult to raise rice. After the previous war, he knows that the Han people are still powerful.

So the hope of peace can only be pinned on the peace talks.

Therefore, Nan Shengmi has never wanted to take the initiative to attack on his side, so as not to anger the Han army.

Twenty thousand Han troops easily crossed the plain and came to Bodo Town.

Like Hirado Castle, Hakata Town is also a rare stone building.However, compared to Hirado Castle, Hakata Town is much smaller.

Geographically, Hakata Town blocked the route of the Han army going south. If you want to bypass Hakata Town and go south into the hinterland of Yamatai to continue the offensive, the supply line will not be able to keep up.

Therefore, taking Hakata Town has become a top priority.

After Ding Feng gave support, he set up camp less than five miles away from Bodo Town.

It was a naked provocation!

At such a short distance, the cavalry can kill in a blink of an eye.

If there were cavalry in Bodo Town, they could easily attack Ding Feng when he was not on a firm footing. It could be said to be very dangerous, but Ding Feng dared to do so.

Because the entire Yamatai Kingdom couldn't gather five hundred cavalry.

War horses are for dignitaries, ordinary soldiers riding horses is a blasphemy to nobles.

Ding Feng's lieutenant advised: "General, this seems a little dangerous."

"no need to worry."

Ding Feng had his own opinion. He said: "General Ma's cavalry controls the movement within a radius of fifty miles. We control a radius of twenty miles. We will not be attacked suddenly. The only enemy is Hakata Town."

"It's so close, what if the Yamatai army from Hakata town comes here?" The deputy general asked worriedly.

"Is the enemy in one direction unstoppable?" Sun Ce said proudly, "I would have wished for them to come out in full force instead of hiding in the tortoise shell."

However, this does not mean that Ding Feng is arrogant, and he should be prepared.

"Arrange soldiers to patrol at night, so there will be no mistakes."

Ding Feng told the lieutenant general, "As soon as the enemy leaves Hakata Town, I need to know immediately, whether it is day or night."

But unfortunately, a few days passed and nothing happened.

The defenders of Bodo Town seemed to act as if Ding Feng did not exist, and there was no movement at all.

"Isn't that fooled? It seems that the commanders of Yamatai Kingdom are cowards, or they were frightened by Ma Chao's cavalry." Ding Feng said to himself slightly.

In the first battle on the Bodo Plain, Ma Chao led [-] people and dared to charge towards the phalanx of [-] people.

Later, with the support of Ma Dai, he won the battle directly and beheaded the enemy commander Himyue.

"The general wants to lure the Bodo garrison to attack?" The lieutenant finally understood why Ding Feng had to set up camp at such a short distance.

This is against common sense.

If the enemy is Cao Cao's army, and the commander is the famous general Xia Houyuan and his like, even if they know that this is a trap, they will use their tactics.

Which one wins and which loses depends on whose means are more sophisticated.

It's a pity that this is Yamatai, and what they are facing is a group of chickens and dogs.

They cannot be measured with normal thinking!

"It's a pity that the enemy commander was not fooled." Ding Feng said with some regret.

From the moment of attacking Yamatai, Ding Feng's blood was already boiling, and Gan Ning entrusted him with a heavy responsibility. He wished he could immediately capture Bodo Town.

However, Ding Feng is no longer a fledgling young man. After being tempered on the battlefield and having the profound experience of commanding the Bohai Fleet alone, Ding Feng's character has become calm.

If it was in the past, Ding Feng would have directly led people to storm Bodo Town without saying a word.

Even if the defenders inside are twice their number.

A lot of troops doesn't mean anything.

However, when Ding Feng lured the enemy, he gave himself a buffer time, which was also time for preparation.

In the past few days, he has been building siege equipment.

For example, ladders, such as well rails.

The low city walls of Hakata Town cannot withstand the indiscriminate bombing of Jinglan.

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