When all arrows are fired, can Hakata Town continue to be a tortoise?

Ding Feng is also ambitious. The establishment of the Bohai Fleet is logically equal to that of the Chishui Army.

But in fact, everyone believes that the Bohai Fleet is inferior.

This time, Gan Ning was the main general and Ding Feng was the deputy general.

Therefore, this battle is very important to Ding Feng, which is related to his future status among the generals in Yangzhou.

If he wins, his status will be promoted, and he will truly become the commander of the first army!

If he loses, even if Liu Ke improves Ding Feng's status, gives him generous treatment, and supports him to compete with Gan Ning.

Ding Feng also knew that his status would be far from that of Gan Ning.

However, it is not that simple to win Hakata Town.

In field battles, with the help of Ma Chao's combat power, Ding Feng is 100% sure.But in siege warfare, the confidence has been reduced a lot.

Even if there are only [-] pigs in the city, do you know how to defend the city?

This is the benefit of occupying a favorable location.

Ding Feng couldn't help frowning. A few days ago, he deliberately set up camp in such a close place, hoping that the defenders would come out, so that he could launch a perfect counterattack, clean up the defenders, and take advantage of the situation. Take the town of Hakata.

But the defenders couldn't bear to come out, which was very uncomfortable.

"How is it good?"

Ding Feng thought about it, but couldn't think of a better way for a while.

Afterwards, he gritted his teeth and decided to try the most stupid way, and ordered: "Call together the troops and horses, and go to fight with the general."

Five thousand soldiers and horses gathered together, Ding Feng briefly boosted his morale, and led them to fight towards Boduo Town in a mighty manner.

Along the way, they screamed and screamed, scaring the children of Yamatai to tears.

"Listen to the defenders of Bodo Town, you have offended the big man. Only by surrendering can your life be spared!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"General, they don't seem to understand."

The soldier in charge of speaking gave feedback to Ding Feng.

"Keep shouting, don't stop." Ding Feng ordered.

"Get out of Nanshengmi, my general is here, come out if you have the guts..."

"It's hard to grow rice, my general said, if you don't come out, you will massacre the city!"


After arriving in Bodo Town, Ding Feng kept sending people to fight, and more than half an hour passed without knowing it.

Bodo town was calm, not to mention that Nan Shengmi hadn't come out, even the ordinary soldiers didn't respond.

If it weren't for the Yamatai soldiers standing on the city wall waiting for battle, Ding Feng would have wondered if there was no one in Bodo Town.

"General, I'm afraid the defenders have lost their courage and dare not make a sound until now." Someone said to Ding Feng with a smile.

But Ding Feng couldn't be happy at all, and frowned.

It's tricky, it seems that Nanshengmi has made up his mind to be a turtle.

Of course, it is also possible that the language barrier caused the defenders to look confused.

Attacking by force is the last resort, Ding Feng does not want to attack unless he has to.

After all, there are too many uncertain factors in a strong attack, and the soldiers will suffer heavy casualties. Even if they win by then, it will not look good if they win.

There is also the risk of failure.

Suddenly, Ding Feng sneered, in that case, don't blame him for being cruel.

"Pull out those captives who tried to resist, and behead them one by one." Ding Feng ordered coldly.

"General, isn't this bad?" The lieutenant hesitated.

Killing prisoners is taboo.

At first, they didn't keep any prisoners, but some people surrendered shamelessly, knelt down and begged for mercy, their heads were smashed, and the soldiers couldn't bear to kill, so there were prisoners.

"It's fine if these captives are honest. After they surrendered, they resisted and injured a few of my brothers. This is a hidden danger and we can't keep them."


"Have the Han retreated?"

Nan Shengmi's face was not very good-looking. After hearing that the Han people had retreated, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Yamatai country is a big country, majestic and majestic.

Now it's hard for anyone to be blocked and scolded, let alone someone as proud as Nan Shengmi.

He is the national teacher of Yamatai Kingdom, under one person, above ten thousand people.

Have you ever been humiliated like this?

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