The peasant soldiers were unreliable, and Inoue pinned his last hope on the samurai.

Three thousand warriors launched a fearless charge together!

With flesh and blood, they slammed into the shield of the Han people. Both sides roared heart-piercingly, waved their arms, and slashed at the opponent's head and vitals with all their strength.

Jingle Jingle!

The sound of weapons interweaving exploded... blood surged up.

The sound of percussion and impact at this moment is like a sea tide hitting a rock, and it continues endlessly.

Thousands or even tens of thousands of figures fighting were shouting, and at the same time, Ding Feng also saw the indomitable Inoue.

The light of the knife slashed and fell on the ferocious head of the Japanese man, and the corpse fell backward like a sandbag with a broken thread.

Ding Feng raised his shield and drew his knife, and suddenly shot out a Yamatai warrior who rushed forward, smashing his face to pieces, bloody and bloody.

He looked at Inoue and took a deep breath: "Son, your grandpa is here!"

Inoue grinned grimly and hit Ding Feng directly.

"Good come!"

Ding Feng sprinted through the shadows, and chopped off with a knife, - Inoue's head was rolling on the ground, with an unbelievable look on his face.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the chaos, weapons intertwine.

The loyal warriors watched the well fall with horror on their faces.

In the previous battles, Inoue defeated the Han general many times, but this time, he was beheaded with a single knife.

Everything is a conspiracy!

A conspiracy to lure them into battle!

Thinking of this, the morale of the Yamatai warriors plummeted.

"go ahead!"

Ding Feng will not give them a chance to breathe.

The only hundred-faced thick shield sank in the hands of the soldiers, and when it hit the ground with a bang, a high-pitched and loud sound exploded.

The crossbowmen hidden behind the shield soldiers all pulled the trigger in an instant.

Thousands of arrows shot at the enemy's rear!

Countless people lost their lives in howling.

Blood splashed in patches, and the corpse fell backwards.

Ding Feng led several personal guards, swung his big sword and went up, cut off the stabbing wooden spear, collapsed and flew, and beheaded an enemy warrior leader, together with several stunned enemies, in front of the formation.

After retracting the knife and returning it, Ding Feng shouted: "Dingshield! Drive them away!"

The heavy shields were held up again in the hands of the soldiers and bumped against them, and the warriors who rushed up were pushed back one by one.

If it weren't for the crowds of people behind them, they would have fled immediately.

Ding Feng's eyes showed fierceness. After half a month of siege, everyone was holding back their breath.

The Yamatai warrior on the opposite side showed fear.


Some courageous warriors, in desperation, rammed into it violently.

Left and right are dead, it is better to die vigorously.


There were fanatical shouts all around, and countless weapons were chopped down in front of the eyes.

Ding Feng's expression was stern, and he rushed to the front line with the soldiers, leaving blood-red footprints on the soil under his feet.

He chopped down the body of a samurai, but he still didn't give up, and wanted to strike a second time. The wave of people in front of him was crowded, and in the midst of the killing, they suddenly separated.

There was a long neighing sound from the horse, and in the field of vision, the figure of the war horse galloped up. The figure in the white armor moved his arm, and the shadow of the spear made an arc.

Countless people were harvested.

The iron gun pressed against a wooden shield, lifted it up and smashed it hard, there was a loud bang, and sawdust flew, and the Yamatai warrior holding the shield twisted with his arms, and the moment his wailing body twitched on the ground .

Ding Feng looked at the man, and in the next second, he rushed over with a knife.

"Ma Mengqi, you actually took the head!"

Amidst the roar, the guards following Ding Feng all took action.

It turned out that Ma Chao looked bored, and Ding Feng couldn't kill the enemy for a long time, so he came to kill him at a moment's itch.

Amidst the countless noises and shouts of killing, Ding Feng led dozens of personal guards into the enemy's formation, slashing a gap like chopping melons and vegetables.

The rebel warriors were killed and injured, and the remaining remnants collapsed completely, and began to run around like headless flies.

"Run! Run! Kill all those who don't run!"

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