During the killing, Ding Feng still did not forget his purpose.

That is to use the power of this defeated army to take down Hakata Town in one fell swoop.


There are continuous stragglers who want to attack Ding Feng and reverse the situation, but all these efforts are in vain.

A samurai stepped forward, jumped up, and slashed at him with a single blow.

With a loud "bang", Ding Feng lightly returned the knife to block, slapped the jumping figure back, fell to the ground and stumbled back a few steps before stopping.

"What the hell, jumped up and hit my knee?"

Ding Feng cursed, then took a few steps forward, and chopped off with a single blow.

The samurai's arm flew high, and fell into a painful wail.

Several figures rushed up with knives, and the blades in their hands stabbed violently at the broken-arm warrior, blood gushed out violently.

At the beginning, there could be screams, struggling and kicking, but then there was no sound.

For the attackers, Ding Feng's personal guards showed no mercy.

Ding Feng glanced at the dead samurai, and with a sound of "Ah--", he swung his sword and smashed it, and several samurai swords that roared and slashed towards him suddenly broke.

"Sneak attack!"

Ding Feng dealt with them three times, five times and two times, and looked forward, his pupils shrank.

Within a few breaths, Ma Chao, a tycoon with an iron gun in his hand, slammed his horse and galloped out. The tip of the gun pierced into human flesh, and blood flew flying.

He cut a bloody path abruptly, and then charged in with his horse.

An iron spear swung left and right, stabbed, and repeatedly greeted the fleeing Yamatai warriors, knocking back several people and flying them into the air. Amidst the sound of ping-ping-pong-pong, the gap became wider and larger, and the enemy's corpses became bigger and bigger. many.

Horseshoes galloped, gunpoints whistled, and the way opened.

Ding Feng watched the killing scene helplessly, and his heart twitched at the countless corpses flying upside down and screaming.

"Kill less! Kill less! Kill more and you will be gone!"

He said so in his mouth, but he was not slow at all when he moved his hands.

Countless flesh and blood flew everywhere.

On the city wall of Hakata Town, the national teacher Nan Shengmi became more and more uneasy.

Because the men he placed had not summoned him for a long time.

This is very strange.

"Send someone out to investigate...no need..."

While talking, Nan Shengmi looked into the distance and could already see a dark figure.

In view, they run very, very slowly.

If it wasn't for Nan Shengmi's familiarity with this scene, it would be impossible to see that they were running away desperately!

They have tried their best, but the speed is still very slow.

"Damn it, I've already said that I can't go to war, but this reckless Inoue just won't listen, now it's all right, what should I do?"

Nan Shengmi cursed and wanted to give Inoue a heads-up.

Soon, the figure of cavalry appeared in the sky.

They drove out the soldiers of Yamatai like a flock of sheep.

Difficult to rise rice is very sad!

Why is this happening?

Why is this happening?

Nan Shengmi knew that he was about to make a decision, whether he should open the city gate and bring back the group of defeated soldiers.

The number of defeated soldiers is about [-], which is a great combat force.

However, once the city gate is opened, the consequences will be disastrous.

What if you can't keep the city gate?

damn it!

Nan Shengmi wanted to scold Inoue's mother again.

"You'd better die among the chaos, or I will kill you too!"

While hesitating, Nan Shengmi was also suffering in his heart.

This is ten thousand people!

There are no more than [-] defenders in the city.

Looking at the black heads under the city, Nan Shengmi felt uncomfortable, very uncomfortable.

But, Her Majesty is coming...

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